For the sixth season of “The Bloodhound” Banshchikova got the most

by time news

“Banal” and “not exciting” series was scolded, but watched

Season 6 of The Bloodhound lived up to the expectations of fans of the series and confirmed the fears of those who were wary of him. It may not be very convenient for someone to admit to watching the adventures of Colonel Kushnir every night, but such weakness is probably forgivable.

Many projects that have reached their sixth season, of course, deserve condescending assessments in the spirit of “is anyone else interested in this?” Probably the authors of The Bloodhound had long assumed such an attitude towards the series, so they tried their best to add various savory seasonings to the script.

True, they went along a rather predictable and simplest path. Instead of making detective stories more exciting, they decided to promote melodrama. And now Colonel Kushnir is already traditionally maneuvering between the two men of his dreams, and he also changes his hair color, tries on spectacular outfits, leads a social life (in the interests of the investigation, of course) and receives invitations every three days to go to a restaurant from his new boss, Colonel Olkhovsky ( Maxim Lagashkin).

All this finally turned the Bloodhound into what is usually called a female detective, that is, a set of personal experiences of the main character against the backdrop of a search for villains. And for the latter, by the way, there is not always enough time. The series is made according to the “one episode – one investigation” scheme, but in less than fifty minutes it is quite difficult to tell a coherent detective story and pay attention to a strong woman who cries at the window from time to time. As a rule, the detective suffers more from lack of time, in which evidence is sometimes already found on the claws of birds.

Such changes did not escape the attention of those who criticize, and their anger fell primarily on Anna Banshchikova – this season, the actress is also the creative producer of the project. “Not exciting”, “banal”, “every next season is worse than the previous one”… There are probably similar assessments in the criticism of every series, including quite successful ones. But it is touching that even those who consider most of the federal series to be ambitious nonsense sometimes admit their unexpected interest in the Bloodhound.

However, in the case of the Bloodhound, it is precisely the lack of any supernatural ambitions among the creators of the project that can bribe. They do not pass off their brainchild as a movie, they do not plunge into the world of police morals, and the distance between tears and laughter is often downright minimal.

And look at the heroine of Anna Banshchikova. That’s who, probably, this season got all the imagination of a creative producer. Even those who are in no hurry to call Banshchikova a great actress more often admit that The Bloodhound became her Secrets of the Investigation, that is, something like a landmark project. The image of a comical and sometimes very frivolous person, to whom a detective insight comes after eating an eclair, Anna really suits, and in the new season, Colonel Kushnir is also a fashionista.

It must be admitted that the investigator has a special relationship with fashion. Those who closely follow this kind of props have probably noticed the fashionable evolution of the character of Anna Banshchikova. At first, she is her mother’s daughter in colorful outfits, then she tries on something like the cloak of Inspector Colombo, switches to the clothes of a strict business lady, changes it to the wardrobe of a happy, family and not afraid of fashion woman, and, finally, flaunts in dresses and raincoats of inviting red color . A kind of vamp, at the feet of which men fall in piles.

In one of the episodes of the sixth season, Kushnir even goes to the podium. A creepy dress is chosen for her, a cap, like a fashion accessory, and either makes her laugh or scares her, but the gait of the winner easily endures all this. It is clear that the heroine Banshchikova refuses the prospect of returning to Moscow. What kind of Moscow is there, if in Gelendzhik she managed to become almost a queen. In addition, Gelendzhik is shown here just like Saint Tropez, where there are only apartments with sea views, cozy streets and no less cozy cafe terraces. Probably, such an ideal world is another plus for those who spent evenings with the Bloodhound. Especially in January and in the midst of a new covid wave.

However, in such an ideal world, according to biased viewers, there is clearly no place for some of the heroes of the series. The line with Inozemtsev (Dmitry Miller) has clearly exhausted itself. “Marry him already with a model and send him away,” they wrote in the reviews. Suffering macho and the truth does not look quite believable. Especially in resort scenery.

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