Forecasters promised Belarusians frosts down to -15°C this weekend. When will it warm up to +12°C? » News from Belarus – latest news for today

by time news

2024-02-09 08:48:01

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Forecasters from the Belhydrometcenter announced their forecast for the coming weekend, February 10 and 11. According to them, due to atmospheric fronts moving from the southwest of Europe, the weather in Belarus will not change significantly in the next two days: in some areas night frosts down to -15°C are predicted. However, soon it may warm up in some places to almost spring temperatures of +12°C.

On Saturday, February 10, according to the Belhydromet forecast, sleet and rain will fall across most of the country, with the risk of ice formation remaining in some places. In the Vitebsk region, the temperature at night can drop to -15°C, but in the southwest, weather forecasters predicted the night temperature at 0°C. During the day in the north and center of the country it will warm up to 0..-5°C, and in the south and southwest thermometers will show above-zero temperatures: +1..+4°C.

On Sunday, February 11, Belarusian weather forecasters expect the arrival of warm air masses from southern Europe, which will bring precipitation (sleet and rain), fog, sleet, gusty winds, but also gradually warming. Thus, the minimum temperature at night should be about +3°C in the southwestern regions and not lower than -10°C in the northeastern regions, and during the day – from +10°C in the southwest and not lower than -4°C in northeast.

The ECMWF numerical model, according to the authors of the weather telegram channel “Nadvor”, “predicts fun” in the central regions of Belarus, and from Saturday evening to Sunday night a “rather wide zone of ice” will be observed across the country.

This influence of atmospheric fronts and warm unstable air masses, according to Belhydromet specialists, will continue on Monday, February 12. Despite the ongoing rain and sleet in most parts of the country, warming is predicted to continue. In the southwestern regions (Grodno and Brest regions) it will be warm like spring even at night – +7°C is predicted, and during the day the thermometers in the south of the country can rise to +12°C. However, in the northeast of the country there will still be a minus temperature: up to -5°C at night and up to -1°C during the day.

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