Forgotten Southern Music and Theater Says Muti, “International Shame”

by time news – “My name is , I’m a man from the South, born in Naples to a Neapolitan mother and an Apulian father “. Thus begins the maestro Riccardo Muti, connected by the Teatro Massimo of Palermo to an initiative dedicated to midday. Listening to him is the Minister for the South, Mara Carfagna. “We await justice – said the prestigious conductor, busy in recent days in rehearsals for Giuseppe Verdi’s ‘Requiem Mass’ – the world of music, theaters and culture awaits it”.

Muti speaks from “one of the most beautiful theaters in the world”, where there is “an Italian excellence”. In there are highly trained men of theater and music who are pushed aside because there is little attention to the world of . And this is shameful “.

Yet, added the maestro, “this world of theater and music is the pride of Italy, but it cries for many reasons. Who thinks of bands, for example, which are the pride of the south? Girls and boys who are starving and to whom no importance is given… but these bands have been the vehicle of the country’s opera culture “.

In Italy, he accuses, when it comes to music “reference is made to pop, to the light one, never a hint of music with a capital ‘M’, which young people study with sacrifice in Italian conservatories and then cannot find work “.

Riccardo Muti concludes: “It is not an appeal for me; I have made my life and my career. Let’s pay attention to this extremely cultured land that awaits justice, a justice of society that is fair for all. Some of the glories of ours. past that we are respected all over the world are the musicians, the choristers, the technicians who are abandoned it is an international shame. Beautiful words are brought by the wind and are no longer enough“.


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