Former governor of Morelos, Sergio Estrada Cajigal, on trial for family violence

by times news cr

2024-05-11 13:25:34

The former governor of Morelos (2000 to 2006), Sergio Estrada Cajigal Ramírezwas linked to process and sent to house arrest by a judge Cancunfor the crime of domestic violence.

The former candidate of the PAN-PRI-PRD alliance for federal representation for district 01 of Morelos, is accused of family violence due to physical assault, injuries and other actions against his ex-partner, Carla Alejandra N, with whom he had a relationship.

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The former governor must comply with the precautionary measure imposed and the PRI-PAN-PRD campaign in federal electoral district 01 remains without a leader, so it is expected that in the following hours said electoral alliance will give its position.

Last November, the victim made public the case of aggression, violence and injuries that she experienced with the also former mayor of Cuernavaca, in Quintana Roo, where a common jurisdiction court is handling case 165/2024.

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But this is not the only matter that the former Morelos president has been involved in, since his first and second wives, and his next two partners, have reported physical attacks and injuries by the ex-panist.


2024-05-11 13:25:34

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