Former Miami police officer pleads guilty to covid-19 loan fraud | COVID-19

by time news

A former police officer from the city of Miami (Florida) pleaded guilty to electronic fraud by requesting loans from the Government for more than $40,000 through a relief program for the covid-19 pandemic, the US Federal Attorney reported this Wednesday. .UU.

Gregory Dennis, 45, submitted in March 2021 to the government’s Small Business Administration (SBA) a fraudulent application for a loan on behalf of a cleaning service company, of which he claimed to be the only owner.

For that $20,833 loan, Dennis, who was still with the Miami Police at the time, submitted an application that “falsely represented his 2020 gross business receipts,” as well as forms filled in with false information, he said in a statement. statement from the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida.

A month later, on April 10, the officer reapplied for another loan for the same amount and again covered by fraudulent documentation.

For this case, whose sentencing date has been set for June 13 in a federal court in Fort Lauderdale, north of Miami, Dennis faces a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

To combat fraud related to federal aid for the COVID-19 pandemic, in May 2021 the US Government created the COVID-19 Fraud Control Task Force, led by the Department of Justice and in partnership with government agencies.

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