Former Republican Vice President Mike Pence withdraws his candidacy

by time news

2023-10-28 21:49:27

Mike Pence gives up. The former vice-president of the United States announced this Saturday that he was withdrawing his candidacy for the Republican Party nomination for the 2024 presidential election. “I came to tell you that it has become clear to me: this “It’s not my time,” he said, addressing the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) convention in Las Vegas, Nevada.

“After careful consideration and prayer, I have decided to suspend my campaign for president,” he said. Candidate Pence, who was struggling in the polls with some 3.8% of voting intentions according to the specialized site, had little chance against his former boss Donald Trump, who is the big favorite of the Republican primaries, despite his legal setbacks.

Mike Pence gives no voting instructions

He did not give any instructions aimed at supporting this or that other candidate during this address which took his audience completely by surprise. The eight main candidates for the Republican Party nomination are all scheduled to speak at this weekend rally, including Donald Trump, who is leading the polls, and his closest rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

After years of unwavering loyalty to Donald Trump, his former vice-president changed his tone after the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021. And this evangelical Christian, fierce opponent of abortion, had even decided to defy his former boss during the 2024 Republican primaries but his chances very quickly appeared reduced. Activists loyal to the former president consider him a “traitor” because he certified Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election to Congress.

#Republican #Vice #President #Mike #Pence #withdraws #candidacy

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