Francesco Le Foche, how is the immunologist

by time news

2023-10-07 18:18:00

First operation today, Saturday 7 October, for the immunologist Francesco Le Foche, after yesterday’s attack in his office in Rome. “He has just woken up from anesthesia, because we have carried out some of the operations that he will have to undergo. He has a series of fractures of the maxillofacial district and in particular some bad fractures of the nasal bones and of the orbito-zygomatic complex”. Thus Valentino Valentini, head of the Maxillofacial Surgery Unit of the Umberto I polyclinic in Rome, after having operated on the immunologist Francesco Le Foche, in a press point at the polyclinic, underlining how the patient is “stable”. “From a maxillofacial point of view, for now we have only done a reduction and containment of the nasal bones – he explains – We have replaced the nose which was broken, displaced and multi-fragmented. He had lacerated-contused wounds in the frontal region which we sutured and there is a significant fracture of the orbit which will need to be reduced and contained as soon as the conditions of the eyeball are stable.”

Eyeball surgery

“As soon as our ophthalmologist colleagues tell us that the eye socket can be touched, we will reconstruct the orbital floor which for now we have left ‘slipped’ on purpose, to avoid compressing the eyeball itself. As soon as the eyeball can be treated it will also be this reconstructed and repositioned in axis with the other eye” adds Valentini. The immunologist “is exhausted by what happened and by the very serious injuries sustained, but he is reactive”. In a week, Valentini said, Le Foche will undergo an operation to suture the eyeball.

The surgeons’ other great concern, in fact, is the sight of the immunologist hit in the face. “We have sutured the rupture of the eyeball, about 1 and a half cm in a Y shape, in the next 7-10 days we will evaluate the prognosis to understand how to intervene at the retinal level and then we will move on to the second phase of maxillofacial recovery”, explained Alessandro Lambiase , full professor of Ophthalmology at the Sapienza University of Rome and medical director at Umberto I, who supported Valentini in the operation.

Psychological trauma

“Francesco Le Foche suffered a trauma which, in addition to being physical, is equally heavy from a psychological point of view” underlines Valentini. “But those who know Francesco know that he is an affable person and has extraordinary qualities from a professional point of view and human. Honestly this makes what happened even more incomprehensible.”

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#Francesco #Foche #immunologist

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