Friday with rain showers and thunderstorms

by time news

2023-10-27 08:20:00

The instability will continue to spread across much of the country this Friday, the 27th. According to the weather forecast from the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet), there will be rain showers and thunderstorms in some of the country’s capitals.

During the morning, for example, there will be rain and thunder in Campo Grande, Belo Horizonte and Victoria. In addition, the accumulations must occur in nine other capitals spread across the Southeast, Central-West and North: Rio de Janeiro, Goiânia, Brasília, Cuiabá, Palmas, Rio Branco, Porto Velho, Manaus and Boa Vista.

According to the weather forecast Inmet, more capitals will face rain showers and thunderstorms this Friday afternoon. This condition is awaited, namely, in Goiânia, Brasília, Palmas, Porto Velho and Rio Branco — and continues in Belo Horizonte, Vitória and Campo Grande. In the afternoon, rain will also occur over Curitiba, Florianópolis, São Paulo, Cuiabá, Boa Vista and Manaus.

Read too:

At night, the capital of Mato Grosso do Sul will no longer experience thunderstorms, but there will continue to be showers. Thunder, however, will continue, according to the weather forecast, in four other cities: Brasília, Goiânia, Vitória and Belo Horizonte. It will still rain FlorianópolisCuritiba, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Cuiabá, Boa Vista, Rio Branco and Porto Velho.

Rain showers and thunderstorms highlighted in the weather forecast, but not in the capitals of the Northeast

Northeastern capitals will continue without rain | Photo: Reproduction/Social media

Unlike other regions, the Northeast will not have any of its nine capitals in the path of rain showers and thunderstorms that appear in Inmet’s weather forecast. All of them will have maximum temperatures above 30ºC. Once again, Teresina will be the highlight in terms of heat. This is because thermometers are expected to reach 40ºC this Friday in the capital of Piauí.

Map of Brazil, with a map of rainfall in the capitals on the afternoon of this Friday, 27 — 27/10/2023 | Photo: Reproduction/Inmet

Read also: “High temperatures and climate change alarmism”, article by Ricardo Felício published on the Revista Oeste website

#Friday #rain #showers #thunderstorms

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