From the film about “Sonoma” to an ode to the Tramuntana: the cinema of Estación Alta

by time news

2023-09-15 17:30:36

A documentary by Manel Huerga about a concert by Pascal Comelade and Lee Ranaldo in tribute to the Velvet Underground, an ode to the Tramuntana and rural life in the Empordà or Sonoma (the movie, not the show)a film inspired by the hypnotic spectacle of La Veronal are three of the proposals of the cinema programming of the High Season festival. The performing arts contest looks another year towards the seventh art, this time with the documentary cinema of Catalan authorship as the protagonist, although there is also a presence of fiction.

In this 32nd edition of the festival there will be six cinematographic productions that will pass through the Truffaut screenresponsible for the film program together with the festival.

In the documentaries section it stands out The wind that moves us, the proposal of Pere Puigbert, which will be seen on October 17. The director of Ventalló focuses on the day-to-day work of a series of people from Emporda who live with the tramuntana in a production that won the prize for the best Spanish documentary at the Valladolid International Film Week, the Seminci.

For his part, Manel Huerga will present on October 24 Velvet Suite (tribute to the Velvet Underground)a witness to the unique concert that took place at the Ateneo de Banyoles last year where Pascal Comelade and Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth invoked the spirit of Lou Reed and John Cale’s band.

Banyoles recreates the Velvet Underground with Pascal Comelade and Lee Ranaldo

In turn, the director and doctor from Girona Pere Solés also bet on the documentary with Methuselah, which delves into the field of longevity. On November 14th, the screen will feature nonagenarians, shamans who proclaim a magical solution to aging and scientists who have been researching old age for years.

In terms of fiction, the schedule includes A radiant sun (October 10), a film by Mònica Cambra and Ariadna Fortuny in which, from the eyes of an eleven-year-old girl, they reflect on the complexity of death and the celebration of life; i After sun (November 7), half suspense film and half overcoming film, created by Lluís Galter to dynamit the conventions of cinema.

From the stage to the screen

A Sonoma (the movie, not the show)Xavi Lozano and Albert Pons delve into the universe of Marcos Morau and the company La Veronal, during the creation process of Sonoma, the show inspired by surrealism and Luis Buñuel. The film, which will be shown in Girona on November 18, reproduces the atmosphere of that dance piece through videos, audios and short fictions inspired by the creation and rehearsal process itself.

#film #Sonoma #ode #Tramuntana #cinema #Estación #Alta

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