From time to time: Kenya and the date exemplify an explicit tribute to the ex Fashion Forward

by time news

With some gossip columns trying to make us believe that Power-Coupling divorces (if you ask Gwyneth Paltrow’s beautiful invention) Kim and Kenya get to ugly and dirty places, we are determined to believe that is not the case. At least not if it depends on Beck, who functions as the adult in charge of the situation even when at the same time she, it turns out, is entirely Pete Davidson’s official partner.

The last sentence and the pictures that back it up are still hard to digest, so at this point we’d rather focus on another sentence – the one that Kim said a month ago at a Peeple magazine ceremony, in which she thanked the new ex for “really introducing me to the fashion world.” It is indeed no secret that Kenya is responsible for the fashion training of his ex-wife, whose wardrobe he took as a project and attached to his glorious resume as another spectacular creation. “It was my language of love,” he said of the styling craft that changed the world.

Admit it, it’s exciting. For us personally this is probably the most exciting aspect of this mythological relationship. So we do not so much know how to feel in the face of the new photos of Kenya with actress Julia Fox, who seems to have gone through the accelerated and engineered version of that process and is now dressing up, well, just like Kim Kardashian.

The two were documented together for the first time just this week, and Fox has already been spotted with three locks basically signed by Kim + Kenya 4EVER: they all involve black leather statement items – a big coat, high boots, tight pants. The guessing jacket in electric blue shades and the swimsuit with the round back neckline are also classic Kardashian items, not to mention the thong pants and especially the huge bag of blanciaga that Fox was photographed with, and there is certainly no need to expand on its meaning.

So we have a few things to say on the subject: First – thank you, Kaniush, but the truth is that we went through Julia’s Instagram and it seems that your services are not necessary here. The 32-year-old star has already come from home with a very hot style, and it is likely that we will deal with it later with or without contact with you.

Second, we try to be mature and not fantasize that Mom and Dad will be together again, but we have to admit that this whole business feels like a frequency of not particularly hidden messages that Sack and Kenya are trying to convey to each other. Maybe just a match between Pete Davidson and Julia Fox? And third – seriously, Kimberly? Who exactly are you doing with this horrible look, for Kenya or us?


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