from Unnecessary Stories to the podcasts of Moria Casán and Ricardo Fort

by time news

2023-12-08 23:37:00

There is no single way to define Damián Kuc. Initially, it could be said that he is the creator of the successful YouTube cycle Historias unnecessarys, but he is also the voice behind the podcasts of Moria Casán and Ricardo Fort; founding partner of Chizpa, a mushroom burger restaurant in Caba and Minerva’s best friend (the dog, not the bottled lemon juice).

In dialogue with VOS, Damián classifies himself as a YouTuber because he assures that it is “the job that feeds him,” but he is also a creator of digital content, a comedian and a lover of bizarre stories. Even a few years ago he was a student of Social Communication and Criminalistics, and cashier at the family cotillion (the latter takes the award for his most hated job).

In January 2023, the young man from Chaco put an end to his cycle of Argentine police stories and broke the hearts of several followers. However, to thank them for all their support during these 10 months that the project was stopped, Kuc put together a special video for the end of the year, headed by the complete story of Pity Álvarez that premiered last Sunday.

Unnecessary stories gave Damian great popularity and changed his life completely. From there, the young man received several job proposals and, together with the Anfibia team, they created the podcasts Basta Chicos: La Vida de Ricardo Fort and La One: La Vida de Moria Casán, and the special chapter dedicated to Guido Süller and titled Reality Fiction for Spotify.

In this note, the YouTuber places special emphasis on the work of the production company for its professionalism and passion for research; He remembers with some nostalgia what it was like to reconstruct the story of two great figures of the popular imagination and assures that making a podcast about his private life would be “the most boring thing in the world.”

−How did the Moria podcast originate?

−When we finished making Fort, we knew that there was going to be a “second season”, but it was not very clear who it was going to be. The people of Anfibia Pódcast began to brainstorm to see where it was going to go, and Moria was chosen. Without them, neither podcast would exist.

−What did she say when they finished recording?

−I was present on the last day of filming and witnessed Moria’s meeting with Lali. We did just like what you heard in the podcast: we said goodbye to each other, we toasted with champagne, we took photos and each one said a few words. Moria herself told us that she loved it when she finished listening to it. There isn’t a night at Bailando that doesn’t talk about “her podcast,” that’s what she calls it. It makes me very happy to know that it is something that I was a part of, not only was it done together with Moria Casán, but that she heard it, she liked it and recommended it. It was beautiful.

−Did the podcast occur first and then Lali’s topic, or was it in unison?

−They began to work together, but along parallel paths. We knew that the curtain of the podcast was going to be a Lali topic, but until that moment it was not done. When Lali finishes it, she goes to Moria’s house and shows it to him. That was the moment when Lali showed the topic to Moria for the first time. She went to look for a Bluetooth speaker, paired it with her cell phone and it started playing. That record is included in the podcast. Literally, you react to Lali’s topic together with Moria Casán.

−In one of the chapters, you said that you had to insist a lot for her to talk about her love story with “Pato” Galmarini. Were there instances where she thought twice about telling you something? Did you have much off the record?

−There wasn’t much off the record. Moria is amazing. She turned on the microphone from moment one, and everything was reflected in the final result. It is a faithful reflection of her “karate language.” Everything she says is useful to the story. She has a way of telling it…she is charming and mesmerizing. I didn’t notice that there were moments in which she thought twice before speaking, but it is true that she is a person who is very used to telling certain anecdotes. At times, you can hear verbatim quotes or quotes similar to those in her autobiography. She knows how anecdotes work, and that is spectacular because it makes listening to her an experience. At times, it was difficult for her to get off that path, but the truth is that she talked about absolutely everything, and that is something she appreciates.

−Compared to Ricardo Fort’s podcast, in Moria’s you had to intervene a lot to establish a connecting thread. Did it present more of a challenge?

−Fort’s podcast and Moria’s were two super different jobs that were approached in very different ways. In Fort you have the beginning and a sad and tragic ending, but Moria is being written all the time and there is a lot to tell. Even Moria herself says: “Do you want to start with me? Well, for which of all my lives?” That is a true reflection of how complicated it was to face the story.

−If you could choose, which of the two podcasts would you choose?

−I couldn’t choose one. The one from Moria… I never thought I would do something like that. I never thought that she would be at her house, petting her dogs, or with Lali. It was all very surreal. The one in Fort was also quite an experience because I went to his apartment, I spoke with his son Felipe, I was with Luis Ventura. I still remember with great emotion when I returned on the plane from Buenos Aires after the recordings and listened to the last episode. I started to tear up and said: “How beautiful that something does this to me.” It is a story that is covered from many angles and I feel that Fort is “an excuse” to talk about various topics. For a kid like me, who grew up watching Fort’s transition from TV to the internet, it was incredible, so it was also like a trip down memory lane. They were two spectacular and very fun jobs. It is mischievous that they call this “working.”

−It is a fact that you love telling stories. How did your curiosity arise about telling stories about famous people?

−On my channel there were always stories about celebrities with a very specific profile, who for some reason had a mysterious, somewhat bizarre, surreal or movie-like context. I don’t know why those stories catch my attention, but it has always been there. In the case of the two jobs for Spotify, they were job offers with a whole team behind them. I alone couldn’t have done it.

−Who else would you like to make a podcast about? From your life, perhaps?

−The truth is that I don’t know. An autobiography about me? No, that would be the most boring thing in the world!

−This year you decided to leave “Unnecessary Stories” behind. How did you surf that wave?

−It was the best decision of my life. I felt bored, stuck and frustrated with the project. These 10 months that I was without it allowed me to understand where I want to approach it. Or at least that’s what I say today. Now I am putting together an end-of-year special to thank the people, because the response I had when I announced that I was not going to do more Stories was beautiful, and organizing next year’s schedule, but I insist: this is what I say today . Everything that involves making content for the internet has a very big factor: people. If I put something together, it is published and it doesn’t go as expected, it crashes. But I’m looking for a balance between something that works and something that’s fun for me.

−How are you doing with Chizpa?

−Chizpa is part of those things that I am doing that have nothing to do with the internet. It’s a mushroom burger restaurant located in the heart of Palermo, very far from where I live (laughs). The idea came to my friend Leandro Digiovanni, he told it to me and Yon, the other partner, and we did it. I think it is a delicious and healthy proposal because it does not include meat. Anyway, I’ve been researching mushrooms for months (it’s even very likely that it’s another of the year-end specials, spoiler alert). I have always been interested in nature topics, and I am fascinated by animals and plants. I lost count of how many pots I have in the apartment, I try to make it as similar to a mountain as possible. Since I like that little world so much, the proposal flashed me and it continues to amaze me today.

#Unnecessary #Stories #podcasts #Moria #Casán #Ricardo #Fort

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