Galeazzi (Fiamo): ‘Decades of mistrust on homeopathy but now there are studies’

by time news

“We recognize a certain diffidence on the part of the academic world” about homeopathy, “but unlike the 90s today there are studies and, if 81% of Italians are satisfied with homeopathic treatment, there must be something true”. This was underlined by Bruno Galeazzi, internist doctor, president of Fiamo (Italian Federation of Italian homeopathic associations and associations), speaking at the online event for the presentation of the survey ‘Homeopathy: knowledge and use in Italy’, conducted by Harris Interactive for Boiron.

“When we see that 40% of Italians go to the pharmacist, and a similar percentage to the doctor – continues the expert – we see that information is important, but that the training aspect is also central for doctors and pharmacists Information and training are key words. As homeopaths, we try to give, through various initiatives, information that is as correct as possible, which highlights potential and limitations, because the person must be well aware of it in order to make an informed choice. the patient to understand the treatment path, adheres to it with greater awareness and there is a benefit also in terms of effectiveness”.

On training, “we recognize a certain diffidence on the part of the academic world and this is a long-distance one that must be filled by working on research – explains Galeazzi – Doctors, pharmacists and veterinarians are perfectly inserted in the One health model of the World Health Organization (WHO) , where the ecosystem is related to human life. For them there are schools, with post-graduate courses that are recognized and provided for by a State-Region agreement. It would be important, however, that the medical student could receive minimal information on integrative medicines in the degree course, because they are part of the corpus of medical knowledge.Last week – he recalls – the WHO discussed the document on complementary medicines and proposed to extend its validity until 2025. At an international level, c ‘is support’.

Furthermore, “in the last 20 years – remarks the Fiamo president – basic research has been carried out on the physico-chemical characteristics of the homeopathic preparation and in 80% of cases, also investigating homeopathic ultra-dilutions with spectroscopy, it has been seen that physico-chemical characteristics different from the control, the one defined as ‘fresh water'”.

“Laboratory studies on homeopathic preparations – continues the doctor – have shown that there is a significant and reproducible effect. There are more systematic reviews in the clinical setting, especially in recent years, which are all positive, with a degree of evidence, compared to placebo, which increase based on effectiveness. Clinical research is important – remarked Galeazzi – A certain prejudice has been dragging on since the 90s, when this research was not available. With a dialogue reasoning on numbers, overcoming prejudices, we can arrive to a more objective evaluation”.

The survey shows that 86% know homeopathy not only by hearsay. “It is an excellent figure – concludes the president of Fiamo – but it is quite understandable that only 25% admit that they know how to speak correctly: it is a medical discipline, even talking about cardiology a patient would feel embarrassed”.

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