Gender violence in social networks – Radio Nacional

by time news

Alejandro José, expert in computer marketing
Let me tell you

Gender violence in social networks

In Let me tell you, Silvia Maruccio chatted with Alexander Josephcomputer marketing specialist on violence in social networks.

“There is a legal vacuum and inaction on the part of the Justice to stop this type of aggression, when they threatened the President’s son two hours later, the person responsible was identified and detained, with others this is not the case, there is also inequality before the law”

“There is more virtual violence against women, society itself is more violent, there have even been cases of violence between women, even within the groups formed to defend gender rights”

“The communications companies have taken some measures to counteract this, but they are not enough, the acts of aggression continue to happen”

“The technology is there, in the Federal Capital you have digital prosecutors, you can make the complaint from your home, what happens is that sometimes a secretary or an administrative officer takes it and does not interpret it correctly, there is a lack of training for this staff”

“Today you ask for a delivery from a bench in a plaza and they bring you the product to the bench in the plaza, but the anti-panic button that they give women has a margin of error of 100 meters in the location, we must continue with the complaints about this type of action so that Justice reacts and makes the necessary decisions”

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