German Police Seize Ammonium Nitrate in Raids on Homes of Hamas Suspects; Foiled Attacks in Germany and Denmark

by time news

2023-12-19 09:06:00
German police seized a significant amount of ammonium nitrate, a key ingredient in the manufacturing of explosives, during raids on the homes of Hamas suspects in multiple cities. The raids were part of a broader operation targeting individuals linked to the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

According to reports from Israeli defense sources, the raids were part of a coordinated effort by the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency, and the Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security service, to thwart a planned Hamas attack in Denmark. The operation also resulted in arrests in Germany and the Netherlands.

News of the foiled attack and the subsequent arrests has raised concerns about the presence of Hamas operatives in Europe and their potential to carry out terrorist activities on the continent. In response to these developments, Hamas has issued threats against Europe, warning of potential future attacks.

The arrests in Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands mark a significant breakthrough in efforts to combat Hamas activity outside of the Middle East. The Mossad has confirmed that the individuals arrested were acting on behalf of Hamas, signaling the group’s intent to carry out attacks on European soil.

The successful operation serves as a reminder of the ongoing threat posed by Hamas and other extremist groups, and the need for continued vigilance and cooperation between international intelligence agencies to combat terrorism. The seized ammonium nitrate further underscores the potential for the use of explosive materials in terrorist acts and the importance of preventing their acquisition and use by militant organizations.
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