German word of the day: Versorgung

by time news

2023-05-15 17:22:21

Why you should know it:

If you ever find yourself overwhelmed by the array of possibilities at your disposal you can use this phrase to capture your quandary. Plus, it’s just fun to say.

What it means:

Die spoiled for choice, which sounds like this, translates directly to “the torture of choice” in English. But it’s more analogous to the phrase “spoiled for choice,” meant to convey the predicament that comes with having too many good options to choose from.

Like its English equivalent, the phrase has also taken on a sarcastic meaning in pop culture in German-speaking countries. For example, the 2012 comedy film “The Campaign,” starring Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis as two hapless congressional candidates, is ironically titled “Qual der Wahl” in the German language version.

READ ALSO: 10 must-see films and series to improve your German

Use it like this:

When it comes to beautiful cities in Austria you are spoiled for choice!

When it comes to pretty cities in Austria, you’re spoiled for choice!

I’m spoiled for choice: I can go on vacation to Italy, Spain or France.

I’m spoiled for choice: I can go to Italy, Spain, or France for vacation.

Should I get up early or stay up late to finish my work? I really am spoiled for choice.

Should I wake up early or stay up late to finish my work? I really am spoiled for choice.

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