God of War on the way to a TV series on Amazon Prime

by time news

Yes, it happens, God of War, One of the flagship games of the PlayStation, may have its own TV series. According to the initial report published on the news site DeadlineIt seems that Amazon wants to produce a series based on the popular game series.

In 2019 Sony established the PlayStation Productions To create movies and TV adaptations for her gaming assets, with the film Uncharted and the upcoming HBO series of The Last of Us being her biggest productions to date.

According to Deadline, Amazon’s prime service is already in negotiations for God of War, with creators / producers of The Expanse reportedly queuing up to head the project. The series will of course do in collaboration with Sony, when also the producer of The Wheel of Time, Rife Judkins May participate in this project. To date, no details have been revealed about the players who will participate in this project. In addition, the launch date was not revealed if filming began.

Series God of War Traces Kratos, a Spartan soldier who killed his family after the war question Venom deceived him, and avenges bloody revenge on the Greek pantheon of gods. After his revenge campaign is over, he retires to Scandinavia where he starts a family.

Unfortunately, Kratos’ past soon catches up with him, and he soon finds himself fighting the Norse gods in an attempt to evade Ragnarok. It is not known what part of his life the series will focus on but it is possible, if the series is successful, that we will see the Greek and Nordic stages of his life.

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