Government reshuffle: calls from the opposition for new elections

by time news

Actually, new elections would be the logical way due to the government’s “suboptimal ability to act”, said Rendi-Wagner on Friday evening in a ZIB special. Due to the pandemic, however, one had to be careful that the government did not abandon its government responsibility and the responsibility of managing the crisis in an election campaign. Nevertheless, the SPÖ leader set a deadline for the government.

If Nehammer cannot deliver a timetable, he should clear the way for new elections soon, said Rendi-Wagner. The government’s only right to exist is to avert harm to the republic, if it cannot do that, it has no right to exist. Then the preparations for new elections should start in January, the SPÖ leader demanded. Because “not only Sebastian Kurz failed, but the entire government”.

Rendi-Wagner on the reaction of the opposition

Pamela Rendi-Wagner, party and club leader of the SPÖ, is a guest in the studio and speaks about the government reshuffle. While the FPÖ and NEOS are calling for new elections, from their point of view these would not be recommended in the current CoV situation. However, if there were to be new elections, all parties would be possible coalition partners for them, with the exception of the FPÖ.

“Party political shift mass”

SPÖ vice club boss Jörg Leichtfried said before: “If this government can no longer work together and a ruling party ends the coalition, then the SPÖ is definitely ready for new elections.” NEOS boss Beate Meinl-Reisinger also pleaded for new elections in the coming year after coping the CoV crisis.

A government capable of acting is easier to achieve through new elections. The incumbent government is not stable. In addition, they will not be able to actively shape the future. She criticized the formation of a government in the current situation. It hurts her “heart” that the ÖVP treats the highest offices as “party-political shunting masses”. The government is “in front of the broken pile in pandemic management”.

Kickl announced a new election proposal

For FPÖ boss Herbert Kickl there is “no way around” new elections. The ÖVP is now trying “in a kind of emergency operation to remove all the turquoise cells from the People’s Party”, but will not get away with its “broad-based child removal”. The FPÖ will propose a new election “at the next opportunity”. Kickl also appealed to Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen to set boundaries for the ÖVP and the Greens.

However, the political scientist Peter Filzmaier did not expect new elections in the coming year: “The ÖVP and the Greens would have to be for it. Both are not interested in new elections, ”he said in the ZIB Spezial. When asked about new elections in the ZIB Spezial, Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler (Greens) remained vague on Friday evening: “Elections are the most important thing in a representative democracy.” When they should take place will always have to be assessed. He thinks it is “sensible” to wait until 2024 with elections to the National Council: “But I’m not ruling anything out.”

Werner Kogler on government reshuffle

On Friday, the ÖVP filled several ministries. The opposition parties have voiced criticism, the FPÖ and NEOS are even calling for new elections. Werner Kogler, Vice Chancellor and party leader of the Greens, is a guest in the studio and talks about the government reshuffle and why new elections are not an option, at least for the time being.

“Don’t just look at spheres of power”

In the evening, Van der Bellen also turned to the population on the occasion of the government reshuffle – with a clear warning to the ÖVP. It is now a matter of “not only looking at spheres of power and influence”. In view of numerous changes of government, he was already routine when it came to addressing the population and taking swears. Accordingly, he is “amused” by caricatures in which, for example, the wallpaper door in the Hofburg became a revolving door for ministers or a drive-in for the many swearing-ins. “Somehow it’s nice that, in spite of everything, we don’t run out of humiliation.”

With regard to the reshuffle of the government, however, he was serious. As the party with the strongest vote, the People’s Party can “of course decide for itself” who to nominate for the ministerial office: “But it must also be aware that it is about filling the highest state offices and not about party logic.” It also has to affect the people in the country and their high and justified expectations are respected.

Speech by the Federal President

On the occasion of the wave of resignation in the ÖVP and the restructuring within the turquoise government team, Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen speaks to the population and appeals to the People’s Party.

“Trust is the most important capital”

Van der Bellen agreed with the words of the outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel in her farewell speech on Thursday: “Trust is the most important capital in politics.” Now it is a matter of regaining lost trust. This requires fact-based decisions, comprehensible communication, cooperation and transparency.

The Federal President expects those who hold these positions to respect their function, their will, professional competence and integrity. Van der Bellen: “It is the fundamental task of decision-makers to do the right thing, even if it seems unpopular.”

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