GRAPE BOMBS | Russia announces possible use of cluster bombs in war if US sends them to Ukraine

by time news

2023-07-11 18:23:19

The Minister of Defense of Russia, Sergei Xoiguannounced this Tuesday that the Russian Armed Forces could come to use grape bombs in Ukraine if the shipment of this type of ammunition by the United States is certified in the Ukrainian Army.

Shoigu noted that the Russian Armed Forces have so far refrained from using this type of ammunition during the war in Ukraine, but warned that if Ukraine finally has these capabilities, Moscow will be “forced to use weapons similar”.

“Russia is armed with the entire range of cluster munitions, and they are much more effective than the American ones,” said Minister Xoigu, according to the Russian news agency TASS.

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The Administration Joe Biden announced last week the shipment of this type of ammunition, a decision harshly criticized by Russia and which has also been rejected by Western allies, as in the case of the United Kingdom.

From Russia, there have been successive criticisms of the United States’ decision, and they have even gone so far as to denounce that, if this type of military capabilities is finally delivered to Ukraine, Washington would be committing a war crime in because of the impact that cluster munitions have on the civilian population.

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