Grifols guarantees that the sale of its Chinese company to Haier continues

by time news

2024-01-14 20:44:51

The Catalan multinational Grifols wanted to make it clear this Sunday that the bearish firm’s report Gotham City Research will not affect the sale of 20% of its Chinese subsidiary Shanghai Raas, and for this he has provided a quote from the vice president of the Chinese company Haier Group Corporation, Lixia Tan, in which the purchasing company confirms that the operation is going ahead.

In a ccommunication to the CNMV, The Spanish stock market supervisor, Grifols has explained that “given the concern raised in the markets about how this report may affect the purchase and sale operation of 20% of Shanghai Raas” it has contacted the purchasing company.

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“The vice president of Haier Group Corporation – Lixia Tan – has stated the following verbatim: “We continue working to close the agreement, as originally planned,” emphasizes Grifols, which insists that the closing of the sale of 20% of Shanghai Raas for about 1.6 billion, an operation announced at the end of 2023, will be completed during the first half of 2024.

The operation is part of the measures planned by Grifols to settle the large debt that the Gotham report had revealed.

#Grifols #guarantees #sale #Chinese #company #Haier #continues

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