“Grill den Henssler”: Oliver Pocher throws the TV kitchen into chaos Entertainment

by time news

2023-08-27 23:40:40

Even Calli could hardly put it down.

On Sunday evening, the otherwise experienced “Grill den Henssler” presenter Laura Wontorra (34) was nervous. The reason? Comedian Oliver Pocher (45) had signed up for the summer special. He had already thrown the show into chaos last year after puffing baking powder through his nose for fun. After that, he even had to be treated medically.

The production team had therefore also made provisions for the current show, as Wontorra announced: “All the paramedic staff are here again at the start.”

That was probably necessary, because Pocher seemed to have wild plans for the cooking competition with Steffen Henssler (50): “Magdeburg is a good place for me. The flour is ready. Today I wanted to inject myself for a change!”

Presenter Laura Wontorra had bad thoughts again when Oliver Pocher (left) grabbed the salt shaker: “Never salt through your nose either!”

Photo: RTL

His colleagues from the celebrity team, led by “Let’s Dance” star and TV chef Ali Güngörmüs (46), also wanted to try to defeat the host: actress Chryssanthi Kavazi (34) and TV star and designer Bruce Darnell (66 ) In addition to their own cooking courses, they had to take care of the problem child Pocher.

Henssler helps Chaos chef Pocher

He had to go for dessert: Japanese pancake with strawberry sauce and rhubarb. Pocher’s desperate attempts to get a decent pancake batter with protein foam were then no longer able to look at the other two celebrities and rushed to help. Even Steffen Henssler himself interrupted his backing actions to support the overwhelmed Oliver Pocher in beating eggs.

Oliver Pocher increasingly drove cooking coach Ali Güngörmüs to despair

Photo: RTL

Cooking coach Güngörmüs clapped with relief: “Thank you, Steffen!”

Meanwhile, Pocher continued to struggle with his order and failed to weigh the appropriate quantities. He preferred to joke when weighing 50 grams of sugar: “I can’t afford 50 grams.”

After Bruce Darnell and Chryssanthi Kavazi had tried desperately to help Olli with his project, Ali lost his nerve when Pocher kept asking him questions and harshly asked him: “Dude, you have the recipe in front of you. Please read it!”

Laura Wontorra torches cheat sheets

In doing so, however, he had revealed cheating: cheat sheets are not allowed at “Grill den Henssler”!

While Henssler continued to work on the dough with Bruce, Laura made short work: “Get out of here. Wontorra talk now!” She grabbed the forbidden recipe and threw it into the flames: “Ali, there’s no cheating here. Look: Fire!“

Ali Güngörmüs (left) and Bruce Darnell tried to help Oliver Pocher (right) – unsuccessfully

Photo: RTL

However, Pocher was still whirling wildly through the kitchen, drank the rum that was actually intended for baking, burned himself on the butter and muddled around with the strawberry sauce so wildly that Wontorra asked in fright: “Are you bleeding? Or is that rhubarb? Or strawberries?”

However, Olli preferred to throw a pancake into the audience to taste, which he promptly retrieved shortly thereafter when Ali exclaimed in horror: “That was the best!” pure alcohol. It’s disgusting!”

“I’ve never eaten such shitty rhubarb”

The jury saw it the same way. The first look at the blue plate of the celebrity team made Jana Ina Zarrella (46) laugh out loud: “You wanted to hide something under the powdered sugar.” Christian Rach (66) was desperately looking for the announced treat: “Where is because the Japanese pancake on the plate?”

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Jana Ina’s mouth twisted as soon as she took the first bite: “The strawberry sauce is super sweet. And I really had a kilo of powdered sugar on the pancake. That’s brutal! I’m almost in shock.” Reiner Calmund (74) summarized his conclusion even more clearly: “I’ve never eaten such crappy rhubarb. You can punch a hole in my head with that!” He only awarded four points to Pocher’s plate.

The fate of the celebrity team was thus sealed: they had lost all cooking courses to star chef Steffen Henssler and had to admit defeat with 86 to 107 points.

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