Growing up you learn that after a loss there is continuity, while when you are young you don’t know that

by time news

THE Peggy Stathakopoulou she talked about the difficult losses in her life and also the absence of her daughter from home, as she left for studies.

The well-known actress gave an interview to “Studio 4” on Tuesday, February 20.

First, he stated:I had a lot of losses, I had to go further several times, but not at this level of losses. Loss is everything that ends in essence, either at the level of human relationship, or at the level of enjoyment, or at the level of knowledge. I mean when a chapter in your life, experience and joy closes, it’s a loss. Certainly, growing up you manage to learn that even after a loss there is continuity, while when you are young you don’t know that. You think it all ends here, with this loss. But that doesn’t mean you don’t hurt a lot. You learn – as my husband says – to put one foot in front of the other and then with small efforts to climb up.”

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She then revealed about her daughter studying in Crete: “I am trying to see what my own loss is at this time. I have losses because the role of the mother is changing. My daughter is now studying and is a self-reliant, independent being. He has been gone for 2 years now. The nest is empty. It cost me a lot that my daughter left for studies. But I know it’s for her own good. He is studying medicine in Crete.”

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