Guide for the use of stoves and braziers at home · Healthy Housing

by time news

2024-01-30 12:04:36

We live in times in which heating costs have skyrocketed, causing many homes to resort to stoves and braziers to keep warm, but be careful! Its use must be very responsible to guarantee the safety of the entire family.

Braziers are a classic in many homes when the cold weather arrives. Whether they are made of embers, charcoal (picón, cisco…) or electric heaters, they are capable of heating the atmosphere of a room. On the other hand, new types of stoves have been added to the market, such as pellet stoves, which provide heat more uniformly and with less financial expense than those considered more traditional.

Both in the case of stoves and braziers, it is essential to keep in mind that A malfunction or poor condition can cause serious consequences.. We are talking not only about a fire in our homebut also cases of carbon monoxide poisoning.

To avoid any scare, from Healthy Housing we provide you with a series of tips to use these systems safely:

  • Attention to the connection. Whether it is an electric stove or an electric brazier, special care must be taken when connecting it to a power strip into which other devices are plugged. This way, you will avoid overloading. In fact, it is better to plug it in directly, without putting it in a power strip. And it must be taken into account that, if the power strip exceeds its load capacity, there is a risk of fire in the home. Another tip is that The power strip is also placed away from curtains or rugs.since they are objects that burn more quickly.
  • The device should not be covered with clothing nor any other type of material.
  • Turn it off before going to bed. Some modern devices even include the possibility of being programmed to turn off after a certain period of use. However, if the brazier or stove does not have that option, it is as simple as remembering each day to Turn it off half an hour before going to bed.
  • Under no circumstances should we leave them on in our absence.. Not even if it is a short period of time or for the house to warm up for a while before we arrive.
  • Make sure there is good ventilation in the room to prevent the accumulation of dangerous gases. Braziers should never be used in closed spaces without adequate ventilation.
  • Check the color of the flames to know if combustion is adequate. The yellower they are, the worse it will be, which could lead to a build-up of toxic gas. Ideally, the flames should be bluish in color.
  • Be careful with burns. Direct contact with hot brazier surfaces or flames may cause burns. Extreme care must be taken when handling the brazier and its surroundings.
  • In the case of wood stoves it is important keep chimneys clean to prevent the soot stuck on its walls from catching fire. You must also be careful not to leave anything nearby that could fall into the stove and cause a fire, as well as place a spark arrester to contain sparks that could jump and set something on fire.
  • At the slightest odor, discomfort or burning eyes, dizziness or breathing problems, it is advisable to turn off the stove and ventilate the place.
  • Installation is recommended in homes and buildings of smoke detectors that warn in case of fire. This device detects the concentration of smoke and gives valuable time to prevent people from becoming poisoned by inhaling toxic gases.

They are very simple tips to put into practice because, above all, it is about using heaters, braziers and stoves without putting our health and that of those around us at risk.

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Published by: Healthy Housing
#Guide #stoves #braziers #home #Healthy #Housing

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