Hamas appreciates Libya’s request to join South Africa’s case

by times news cr

2024-05-13 17:51:16

The Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas” appreciated Libya’s decision to join the lawsuit filed by the Republic of South Africa before the International Court of Justice in the cases of genocide and violations and practices of the occupying state against the Gaza Strip.

Hamas said that this decision confirms the genuine positions of the Libyan people towards Palestine, which is being subjected to the most horrific massacres.

In its statement, Hamas called on all countries of the world to work to isolate this occupying state from international regulations and laws, and to put pressure to stop its crimes against civilians, including children, women and the elderly in the Gaza Strip.

Yesterday, Friday, Libya submitted a request to intervene in the case brought by South Africa before the International Court of Justice, based on Article 63 of the Statute of the Court, which allows states parties to a specific agreement to intervene in cases in which the interpretation of that agreement is questioned.

Libya’s representative to the International and International Criminal Court, Ahmed Al-Jahani, favored the Free Libyan Party’s acceptance of the Libyan request, stressing that there were no justifications for rejecting it.

Al-Jahani added that Libya documented all violations in Gaza and the West Bank, pointing out that its intervention represents support for South Africa.

In a related context, Libya’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Al-Tahir Al-Sunni, said yesterday, Friday, that Libya voted in favor of Palestine’s full membership in the United Nations, granting it additional rights.

Al-Sunni explained that the resolution was presented by the Arab Group, noting that it was adopted by a two-thirds majority in the United Nations General Assembly.

Source: Data + Libya Al-Ahrar

2024-05-13 17:51:16

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