He kept his promise to the ten-year-old girl; Police has released the DNA test results of Christmas Santa

by time news

According to the report of the health department, it was not possible to completely confirm or deny the presence of Santa.


First Published Jan 25, 2023, 2:58 PM IST

The other day, a 10-year-old girl wrote a letter to the police asking them to help her identify if Christmas Santa is real. The boy asked the police to conduct a DNA test of Christmas Santa and give an accurate answer. Scarlet Doumato, a 10-year-old girl from Rhode Island, wrote to the Cumberland Town Police with such a demand. As per her request, Santa’s DNA test was conducted and the police assured that the test result will be communicated soon. Now, keeping that promise, the Rhode Island Department of Health has released the results of Santa’s DNA test.

Scarlet Doumato, Santa checked the half-eaten cookie and carrot you sent for testing. But the report of the health department says that it was not possible to completely confirm or deny the presence of Santa. The report also says that more evidence is needed to reach a definite conclusion. However, the report says that they have found another good news during the inspection and that is the presence of Santa’s vehicle, Reindeer. The report also points out that this became clear when carrots were examined. The report also suggests that this case bears a slight resemblance to a case that took place on 34th Street in New York City in 1947.

Carrot and Cookie used their most advanced technology to solve this case. According to the report of the health department, there may have been some magic in the incident. And the report of the health department says that a solution to this case may be found in the future and for that, your application to the state health laboratories will be considered.

Scarlett Doumato had collected the leftovers from a cookie and carrot she had given Santa the previous Christmas Eve. She placed this cookie and carrot with the police application. Netizens say that the police handled this very innocent request of the child very interestingly. Through Facebook, the police chiefs had assured Scarlet Doumato that the results of the DNA test with the help of the forensic department would be announced immediately. The police has now fulfilled the assurance given to the ten-year-old girl by releasing the results of the DNA test. Governor Dan Mackey also shared the results of the Health Department’s tests on his Twitter account.

Also read: 10-year-old girl asks police to conduct DNA test on Christmas Santa

Last Updated Jan 25, 2023, 2:58 PM IST

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