Health Emergency Declaration in Sri Lanka – Severe Drug Shortage – Polimer News – Tamil News | Latest Tamil News | Tamil News Online

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The government has declared a state of health emergency in Sri Lanka due to severe drug shortages amid the economic crisis. Tamils ​​and Sinhalese are protesting against the government in areas including the capital Colombo.

Sri Lanka is facing a severe fiscal deficit due to the Corona tourism freeze, falling foreign exchange, inflation, rising Himalayan prices for essential commodities, food shortages, power outages and a severe economic crisis.

President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa last Friday declared a nationwide state of emergency to control the protests as he raised the war flag against President Gotabhaya.

As the 36-hour curfew was enforced, civilians went on strike in various parts of the country, including Colombo, in defiance of the order. The general public at the home of President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa in the United States took part in the protest.

Tamil and Sinhalese people gathered in places including the house and office of the Chancellor and members of parliament and chanted slogans against the government. The police were driven by the public to throw tear smoke bombs and tearing tears in the struggle. Police and army personnel have been mobilized in various areas, including Colombo.

All other ministers resigned, except Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, who was responsible for the economic crisis. In this context, 4 persons have been appointed as Interim Ministers for the Departments of Finance and Education. The Sri Lankan Parliament convenes this morning amidst a tense situation.

President Gotabhaya Rajapaksa has said that all parties should work together to overcome the economic crisis in the country.

An emergency consultation meeting was held under the chairmanship of government medical officers. Speaking after the meeting, Secretary Chenel Fernando said a state of health emergency had been declared in the country due to severe drug shortages.

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