healthy recipe without added sugar

by time news

We continue to take advantage of the seasonal citrus fruits with the oranges from the end of the season this time to prepare a more delicious recipe but without added sugars. perfect as breakfast, snack or energy snack To take away, these oatmeal muffins are very practical to keep in the freezer and have them available whenever we feel like it.

If the fruit is very aromatic and naturally sweet, and if we are already more used to less cloying flavors, we will not miss sugars, especially remembering that they are not intended to be a dessert as such. The nibs They have all the benefits of the purest chocolate but with no sugar, so they add that touch of intense cocoa that combines so well with orange.

In the event that we prefer a slightly sweeter bite, or we are in transition from “educating” the palate little by little to tolerating less sweet recipes, we can add a little of the sweetener that we use regularly, taking into account that if it is grainy it can change the final texture a bit. Another option would be to add medjool dates finely chopped to enhance the natural sweetness.

Preheat the oven to 180º C with heat above and below and arrange non-stick muffin tins on rigid trays or suitable tins, or grease them. According to the size we will get more or less units.

Mix the oatmeal with the yeast in a container, form a hole and add the eggs with the orange zest, the freshly squeezed juice and the yogurt without the liquid that could arrive. Mix everything with a whisk until no dry lumps and add the cacao nibs.

Distribute the dough in the molds without filling them to the top, decorate with extra nibs on top and bake for a few 18-20 minutes, or until they have risen and are golden. Wait a bit before unmolding and cooling on a wire rack.

Pyrex 4937629 Magic Mold for Horno, 1.4 kg, Black

Pyrex 4937629 Magic Mold for Horno, 1.4 kg, Black

With what to accompany the oatmeal and orange muffins

With the coffee with milk or infusion for breakfast, a glass of natural vegetable drink or our favorite milk, the oatmeal and orange muffins They have a place at any time that suits our needs, as a satiating tasty snack that will provide us with good energy for longer.

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