Heart attack, stroke and diabetes: how many calories to take to reduce the risk

by time news

Heart attack, how to prevent: an American study confirms that the fewer calories you consume the easier it is to avert the risk

Heart attack, stroke e diabetes they are among the most dangerous diseases that can affect a person even at a not too advanced age. But sometimes one is enough sana diet and balanced to significantly reduce the risk of incurring these pathologies and disorders. A study of the Washington University from St. Louis and shared byHigher Institute of Health in fact, it confirms that reducing the daily intake of calories can not only prevent diabetes but also lower the possibility that they form atherosclerotic plaques e hypertension, among the main causes of myocardial infarction e brain stroke.

Heart attack, how to prevent: reducing daily calories also wards off stroke and diabetes

The researchers examined a sample of 18 volunteers with an average age of 50. Half of the group were on a reduced calorie diet for a period of 6 years. We are talking about 1,110-1,950 calories divided into 26% proteins, 28% fats and 46% carbohydrates. The other half, on the other hand, ate 11975-3.550 calories obtained with 18% protein, 32% fat and 50% carbohydrates. At the end of the monitoring period, people on a low calorie diet were found to have lower levels of cholesterol, triglycerides (less than 95% of the American average) e glycemia. Also lower the blood pressure, l’fat and body mass index and the thickness of the carotid arteries. The first group also had higher levels of HDL cholesterol or “good”.

To reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and diabetes and extend your life expectancy, you must therefore reduce by 30-40% the amount of calories consumed daily.

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