High cholesterol, better pasta or rice? Here is the answer

by time news

Cholesterol, better pasta or rice? Both foods in the right quantities are allowed but there is a variety of rice more suitable for containing blood fats

The high cholesterol it is a disorder that unfortunately affects almost 38% of the Italian population. Among the best ways to combat it and avoid the formation of dangerous ones atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries, which significantly increase the risk of heart attack e stroke, there is to follow an ad hoc diet but still rich and balanced. Among the foods that are certainly not lacking on the tables of Italians there are obviously the pasta and the rice. Experts recommend consuming both in the right quantities but some types of beans are particularly useful in counteracting the high cholesterol.

High cholesterol, better pasta or rice?

Who suffers from high cholesterol he must not give up a nice plate of pasta but with some precautions. First of all, don’t overdo it in terms of portions and prefer variety whole wheat to that of durum wheat. The real problem with pasta is not the pasta itself but rather the seasoning. Therefore, sauces rich in saturated fats such as butter, lard and lard. Instead, a lighter condiment based on vegetable oils how’s that extra virgin olive oilin which i good fats (CLICK HERE on how to include them in your diet). Also pay attention to the cheese. Better to avoid those that are too fat.

The rice it is instead a perfect food for those suffering from high cholesterol as it does not contain this type of lipid. This means that it does not have any direct influence on increasing concentrations of “bad” fats in the blood. The problem, however, lies in thestarch of which he is rich. The latter provides the body with many sugars, which if excessive turn into fat. Also, eating too much rice can lead to an increase in glycemia and it is quite a problem for sufferers diabetes.

Having said this, rice, if consumed in the right quantities, has an almost insignificant impact on high cholesterolalthough it is always preferable to choose the variant whole wheat exactly like for pasta. The fermented red rice deserves a separate mention as it has been recognized for its ability to reduce the high cholesterol. It is no coincidence that it is among the most important elements in many supplements to reduce the bad LDL cholesterol from blood.

Read also:

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