High score

by time news

Everything related to the upcoming inauguration of the Royal Collections Gallery, the new National Heritage museum that will open in Madrid next year, gives a lot of peace of mind. One would think that this complex and difficult project, a museum of such enormous dimensions, would have to overcome many problems. Two architectural competitions, a few delays (perhaps numerous and some due to the pandemic), a handful of budget extensions and museum plans that each new president changed were enough. Now all that is forgotten. There is the good news, advanced by ‘El Mundo’: we already have a coordinator of ‘marketing’ of National Heritage to take the helm of the communication of the project. A professional who has been chosen “unanimously” and “with the highest score in each and every one of the merits established in the call”, to which he was pleased to present himself. The fact that he is Ignacio Manrique de Lara, husband of the economic vice president, Nadia Calviño, and that the president of Heritage who elects him is the former Secretary of State for the Economy Ana de la Cueva are trifling details. “Given his extensive experience”, he was hired thanks to the verdict of a commission with positions of Culture and Labor “without any participation from outsiders”. Maybe that’s the problem. And then, as Juan Ramón said: «Transparency, God, transparency».

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