Hijab protests intensify in Iran: 20-year-old woman shot 6 times by security forces

by time news

The death of 22-year-old Mahza Amini, who was allegedly beaten to death by the country’s morality police for violating Iran’s strict hijab laws, sparked protests.

At least 100 people were reportedly killed and nearly 2,000 arrested during the mass protests.

A 20-year-old woman was shot dead by Iranian security forces amid fierce protests against women’s rights across the country.

Hadis Najafi, 20, took to the streets to protest against her country’s strict hijab laws.

As he prepared to attend a demonstration in Karachi, he was shot and killed, pierced six times by bullets.

Image: CEN

Hadith Najafi, a young woman popular on TikTok and Instagram, was reportedly hit in the chest, face, arm and neck by bullets fired indiscriminately by security forces.

In one video, Hadith pulls her blonde hair back into a ponytail and prepares to join the protest. In it she does not wear hijab and does not carry weapons or banners.

Iran’s police and security forces have been conducting a brutal crackdown on nationwide protests.

After the shooting, Hadis was taken to Ghaem Hospital, where he was declared brought dead.

Hijab protests intensify in Iran: 20-year-old woman shot 6 times by security forces |  Iran Protest Woman Shot 6 Times Security Force DeadImage: CEN

When his medical records from the hospital were hacked, it was confirmed that he died of brain swelling.

The death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who was allegedly beaten to death by the country’s morality police for violating Iran’s strict hijab laws, sparked protests.

Mahza was arrested by Iran’s morality police in Tehran and died of severe head injuries after a brutal attack.

Iranian authorities later claimed he suffered from epilepsy, which his family vehemently denied.

Hijab protests intensify in Iran: 20-year-old woman shot 6 times by security forces |  Iran Protest Woman Shot 6 Times Security Force Dead

Mahza’s death sparked international protests with violent demonstrations across Iran.

At least 100 people are believed to have been killed and nearly 2,000 arrested during these mass protests.

Mahza’s death sparked outrage in Iran over issues including restrictions on personal freedom, strict dress codes for women and an economy badly hit by sanctions.

Women have played an important role in the protests, waving their hijabs and burning them.

Hijab protests intensify in Iran: 20-year-old woman shot 6 times by security forces |  Iran Protest Woman Shot 6 Times Security Force Dead

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