Hitting a target in Iran’s territory will leave a long mark on Iran-Pakistan relations – 2024-03-24 23:00:22

by times news cr

2024-03-24 23:00:22

RA NA MP Tigran Abrahamyan writes: “It is difficult to say what course Iran-Pakistan relations will take after the recent events at the current stage, but it is clear that hitting a target in Iran’s territory will leave a very long mark on Iran-Pakistan relations.

Mediation efforts of China, which has experience of serious cooperation with both countries, are important in de-escalation of the situation, but Pakistan’s destructive behavior and external management factor of its actions may explode the region at some point.

Pakistan has long been a country that breeds, propagates and exports terrorism, an aggressor state that also contributes to Azerbaijan’s aggression against Artsakh.

Even according to some reports, Pakistani special forces took part in the 44-day war.

After the last terrorist attack in Iran, in various countries, including Pakistan, searching for and hitting legitimate targets was completely legal and fit into the logic of punitive actions.

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