hopefully only in an extraordinary edition

by time news

Time.news Two years without. This ‘incomplete’ statement would be enough to describe the feeling of discouragement that is perceived by wandering through the districts and districts of Siena, consequent to the absence of ‘his’ Palio for 24 months.

This year, after the failed race in July, we will also have to digest the absence of that of the Assumption, on August 16. Siena is in a sad state for this, and remembers the dark years of the missed palio. The eyes of the contradaioli ‘light up’ only when an extraordinary race is assumed.

The years of missed races were long gone. In the Second World War with the suspension from 1940 until the end of 1944. Or as in the years of the First World War with the Piazza del Campo empty from 1915 until 1918.

Today there seems to be no alternatives. And having to suppress the emotions of the Palio and the days that precede it begin to be heavy for the Sienese, accustomed to the certain times of the party. The jubilant group is missing when ‘the good horse’ is assigned and suitable for the difficult tuff track in Piazza del Campo.

The rites and habits established for some time with the Contrada in close contact are missing and also this year. No crowded square waiting for the race.
For a Sienese, the palio is not just the race that takes place in just over a minute, it is not just re-enactment and jockeys to carry on their shoulders when they win. But food to ‘feed on’ all year round.

Over time, other races have also been canceled for various reasons: for public order, for the consequences of an earthquake, for the three wars of independence, for a cholera epidemic (1855), for the Spanish pandemic in 1920 and 1921. However, there are also those who hope for an extraordinary edition, such as the one that took place in September 1972 for the 500th anniversary of the foundation of Mps, a bank born precisely in 1472.
For this reason, after the missed two races in 2020 and 2021, some are caressing the faint hope of being able to organize it next month.

For this reason the magistrate of the districts has a great job, which includes all the priors (the ‘political’ leaders of the seventeen districts), who in an official note made it known that “in this context, the desire and the hope of to be able to carry out a Palio as soon as possible without limitations that could distort the Festival itself.The constant increase in vaccinations will offer greater possibilities for carrying out the Career, which represents an undisputed symbol of the city and in this period, synonymous with social rebirth.

But time is a gentleman and only the overall health situation and the competent authorities will be able to allow you to say the last word on the actual possibility of carrying out it. “Observes Claudio Rossi, prior of the Contrada del Drago and rector of the magistrate.” The dpcm does not help a lot about directions. The authorities tell us what the limitations are. However, if they distort our party, nothing is done with it. It must be lived with continuity. This approach is needed “.
On the same line also Pier Luigi Millozzi, prior of the populous district of the Tower.

“The desire to make a prize is there, it remains to understand the conditions, the rules with which it must be carried out. To have the prize as in 2019 (before the pandemic ed) it will take time. Now it is difficult to make predictions. desire collides with the actual situation “.
The mayor Luigi De Mossi moved after the unanimous stance of the Magistrate of the districts to seek solutions. “I am consulting the Ministry of the Interior, then I will start working with the prefect of Siena and the commissioner and also with the hospital and usl, to understand what can be done.

According to the new protocol – he adds – even the outdoor events people must be seated. In Piazza del Campo it would not make sense. I have always said who the palio is a manifestation of the people and it must be such. The parameters must be respected but must not distort. Even more than on the access to Piazza del Campo, it is necessary to think, for example, on the accompaniment of the horses before the tests.

If you keep out those who do not have a green pass or a buffer, you risk gatherings in the adjacent streets of the historic center: they would make a giant plug ”.

From the words of the mayor, a potentially very complicated situation emerges that is difficult to unravel. The debate is open and animates the city.
“Those four days are really difficult to manage” observes with a joke Fulvio Bruni, prior from 2012 to 2015 of the Contrada dell’Oca, in the past responsible for the emergency room of the Scotte University Polyclinic.

“There are no safety conditions to run a prize – says Maura Martellucci, historian and archivist of the Nicchio district – and not even the sociality that our party has. It risks the same idea of ​​the district as we know it today. The palio is contact between the contradaioli that with the covid rules we would not be able to have ”.

Marco Donati, a professional photographer from the Tartuca district, thinks differently. “If this situation continues, the prize won’t even take place next year. It will be necessary to adapt to the rules. I think that the palio as it once cannot be done. Either we adapt or we finish everything “.

And among the contradaioli there is also said to be even willing “not to go to Piazza del Campo as long as you run”. But there are those who argue. “As long as certain rules for racing are not final and do not remain when the pandemic is over”.
Even the world of jockeys, today real professionals who go around the various historical Italian events, looks carefully at the next decisions.

Giuseppe Zedde, known as Gingilllo, is among the most prominent in the Sienese race. Three races won, the last in the Lupa in August 2018. His family of Sardinian origins has had a close relationship with the Palio for a long time. His brother Virginio also raced, however with less luck. His father Antonio won twice in the seventies.

“In this period I still trained – says the jockey – I keep myself ready. I have a profession that I like. For the contradaioli the palio instead is passion. Hopefully there is some chance but it won’t be easy. Otherwise we will go to next year ”.

But there is also a whole world of horse owners who would like the race to be held. Silvano Vigni known as Bastiano, from Siena, between the seventies and nineties was one of the protagonists of the Palio di Siena, five victories in thirty races: today he still follows the palio, looking for horses that can participate and maybe win. “And get some satisfaction”. But entering into the merits of the question he adds: “To say and not to say puts in difficulty those who work to prepare the horses. I had one, I sold it. Here too clarity is needed ”.

The former jockey, who knows the world of the districts well, does not hide his concern. “I’m feeling a general malaise, the resignation in some true contradaiolo. Signals not to be underestimated. If there is a minimum chance of making the prize, even with the green pass let’s do it. I would not like people to leave the districts, especially the young ”.

Vigni indirectly touches on the theme of the role played by the districts in the life of the city. With activities for the young and very young, but also for the elderly, for families in difficulty. And as organizers of free time. Less striking themes than the palio and also less publicized. But which are the basis of the unique experience of the districts that have resisted until today the difficulties that history has caused over time.

“Look – confesses Emilio Gennai, 87 years old, contradaiolo of the Istrice – I am not worried only by the palio that is not done. For someone like me who has gone through the difficulties of the last war, the biggest problem is staying at home where I lack socialization, being together with others, which is an important aspect of life in the district, meeting friends and making fun of each other, play cards or billiards. In short, creating community in the neighborhood “. The Palio is not everything, but for Siena it is a lot.


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