How Google OCR works – 24 Hours

by times news cr

2024-05-02 21:32:54

For many years, the transfer text from an image, book or text by hand to a computer was quite complicated because they practically had to be transcribed from one medium to another, which is why Google created the function “Google OCR” to make this work easier.

Through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other technological tools, users now have the possibility of transferring their texts from a physical medium to a digital one without major complications and in an effective way.

How to use Google OCR features?

According to the Google Cloud page, optical character recognition (OCR) It is available in two versions, OCR for documents and OCR for images and videos, depending on the needs of each user.

If you want to analyze a document or create an automated document processing flow, you need to use “Document AI”. If you want to analyze and process images, use “Cloud Vision” along with other Google Cloud products for the best possible results.

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With this feature implemented within the Google OCR matrix, transcription and editing of texts will be much more effective, in a shorter time; Remember that in order to use this tool you need to have a Google account.

If you exceed the free use that the tool allows youyou can contract the payment plan that will give you more tools if you consider them necessary.


2024-05-02 21:32:54

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