How much does Apple Watch sell?Eat more than half of the global high-end smart watch market – Free Electronic News 3C Technology

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Apple Apple Watch has taken half of the global high-end smart watch market. (Photo/Associated Press)

Counterpoint Research, a market research agency, released the global smart watch sales report for the third quarter of 2022. The overall shipments increased by 30% compared with the same period last year. Among them, India showed a big explosion and became the world’s largest smart watch market.

The city’s survey divides smart watches into two types: HOLS high-end models and basic models. HLOS refers to high-level operating systems (High-level Operation System), excluding low-level models.

In terms of high-end sales, Apple Watch has captured 50.6% of the market, which is equivalent to half of the global market, which is quite impressive. Especially thanks to the strong performance of Apple’s new Apple Watch line. Samsung ranked second with a market share of 22.3%.

Counterpoint Research released the third quarter of 2022 global smart watch sales report.

Apple released the new Apple Watch in September, and launched three models at a time, including Apple Watch SE, Apple Watch Series 8, and Apple Watch Ultra, respectively attacking different ethnic groups. Among them, Apple Watch Ultra is the first to target professional sports, but this model It was only launched at the end of September and did not contribute much to Apple’s sales of Apple Watch in the third quarter.

In addition, in addition to Apple and Samsung, Amazfit (7.1%), Huawei (6.4%), and Garmin (4.5%) ranked behind the high-end list.

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