How to act in the car in the event of a waterspout

by time news

2023-11-01 18:06:01

After the storm Aline, which broke records in the capital of Spain, the storm Bernard has left significant rainfall in practically the entire national territory. The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) warns that in the coming days new fronts will continue to arrive accompanied by heavy rains.

For car journeys to be safe, it is important to be cautious and stay informed at all times.

Above all, try to remain calm to analyze the situation and possible risks and make conscious decisions.

First of all, don’t try to drive through water. If you reach a point that appears to be flooded, do not try to continue your journey, as there is a possibility that the submerged section is deeper than it appears and the vehicle could be swept away. If you cannot get around the area, it is better to stop.

Turn off the engine. If you are stuck in a traffic jam due to stormy weather, turn off the engine to prevent exhaust gases from entering the vehicle. However, keep the key in the on position to leave the lights and heat running.

If conditions allow you to do so safely, try to turn around and scrap the trip until circumstances are more favorable.

Park in an elevated place. If you cannot return to your starting point, as long as you can do so safely, find a higher altitude where you can wait out the storm.

Stay in your vehicle. Getting out of the car should be the last option. In most cases, it is safest to stay inside until treated by emergency services. It is important to keep the windows closed and not leave the vehicle unless it can be dragged and there is the possibility of reaching a safer place outside.

These recommendations are for extreme cases where there is a risk of flooding, but there are also some tips you can follow for driving in lighter rain. From Parclick They point out that the most important thing is to stay alert and carry out any movement with caution.

Some of the tips you should follow include reducing speed, increasing the safety distance from the following vehicle, keeping your lights on, avoiding overtaking or staying alert for any news regarding road conditions or changes in the weather. Another trick that will avoid taking more turns than necessary with the traffic that is generated on rainy days is to reserve parking in advance, so that the route is as direct as possible.

#act #car #event #waterspout

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