how to calculate, step by step, what you will receive in unemployment

by time news

2023-11-19 19:00:00

The vast majority of workers who lose their employment are entitled to a contributory benefit of paro. However, depending on how long one has been quoting You may previously charge more or less time for said benefit. And depending on the salary that you have had during that time of contributions, you will have more or less unemployment benefit.

For a person who expects to be unemployed in the short term, it is key to know how long they will be covered by a benefit and what income they will have during that time. In this article we review, step by step, how to calculate it and what documents are necessary.

Step 1: Locate your contribution base

The first thing before starting to do numbers is to have the latest payroll available. It is highly recommended that it be a full-month payroll and not just a few days. If the last one available is not, prioritize taking the most recent one as a reference but for a full month.

The payroll is not the bank statement that shows the money received, but a document that every company must provide to its workers month by month where it details the net amount received, the gross amount, the breakdown of income and the contribution basis. This last concept can appear as concept ‘Base C.C.‘ on the payroll and on it the amount of the unemployment benefit is mainly calculated.

Step 2: Locate your work life

The other relevant information to know how long I will be able to collect unemployment is to know exactly how long I have worked and have been contributing in recent years. For this it is necessary to have on hand the work life history each. For this the Social Security It has a portal enabled where you can quickly consult all your quoted time. To access it click here. The longer the contribution time, the longer one will be able to collect unemployment benefits.

Step 3: Enter the Sepe simulator

Anyone can skip steps 1 and 2 and go directly to a Sepe office to have the procedures carried out from there. However, for this it is necessary to request appointment and it is not always possible to find a time slot that suits us. In addition to the cost of time (and perhaps money) that the trip entails.

To avoid doing the procedure physically, the Sepe has enabled a simulator through which anyone can calculate what benefit they will have left and how long they will be able to collect it. Once inside, the simulator will ask the user for some information such as ‘when did you start your last job?’, if you have received any public benefits during the last six years, ‘how long have you worked since the last time you received unemployment benefits.’ ?’ or ‘how many minor children 16-year-old is in charge?’, among others.

This is when we will need the ‘contribution base for professional or unemployment contingencies’, which appears on the payroll. To start calculating the benefit, Click here. Once you answer all their questions, a screen will appear with the estimated amount and the time that you will be able to collect it.

Maximus and minimous

It should be remembered that the Sepe has stipulated a maximum time that a worker can be collecting a contributory benefit, in addition to minimum and maximum amounts thereof.

At most, a person can be collecting the contributory unemployment benefit for a period of 730 days (2 years). This will be the equivalent of 70% of the regulatory base during the first 180 days (year and a half) in which the person is unemployed. Starting on day 181, the amount will be 60% of said base.

For 2023, the maximum and minimum amounts are these:

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Minimum amount of the contributory benefit:

Without children: 560.00 euros

1 child or more: 749.00 euros

Maximum contributory benefit amount:

Without children: 1,225.00 euros

1 child: 1,400.00 euros

2 children or more: 1,575.00 euros

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