How to do a squat correctly for amazing glutes: bigger, firmer and more defined

by time news

2024-01-05 02:41:43

Although we are lazy to include the squat at our work out, The truth is that it provides great benefits, such as toning the muscles of the buttocks, promoting weight loss and increasing the resistance of the legs. Therefore, it is important to know how to do a squat correctly to notice these results in your figure.

The squat It is undisputedly the queen of exercises to increase the glutes because it activates the entire muscle, both gluteus maximus, medius and minimus, as well as the muscles of the legs and lower back, which contributes to achieving…heart attack glutes!

Photo: iStock

Why is it important to know how to do a squat correctly?

Saber do a squat correctly It is not only essential to develop strength and tone the muscles of the legs and glutes, but also to prevent injuries, back pain or wear and tear on the knees. According to an article published by the Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, perform squats properly can promote weight loss.

Al do squats We work a large number of muscle groups, which increases caloric expenditure during and after exercise. By building lean muscle mass, your metabolism speeds up, making it easier to burn fat in the long term. A workout that involves more strength and endurance increases the total number of calories burned during exercise. work out.

Photo: iStock

How to do a squat correctly?

For do a squat correctly, follow the next steps. If you want to improve your technique, I assure you that it will make all the difference in your leg and glute workouts.

Initial position:

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Your toes can point forward or slightly outward, depending on your comfort. Keep your back straight and shoulders back to maintain good posture. If you decide to use weight, such as a barbell, place it on your shoulders.


Start the movement by bending your hips and knees at the same time. Keep your heels on the floor throughout the movement, avoiding lifting them. Slowly descend until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor or a little lower, if you have the flexibility and strength to do so. Make sure your knees are in line with your feet, pointing in the same direction as your feet, and do not move inward.

Photo: iStock

Bottom position:

At the bottom of the squat, keep your back straight and chest up. Keep your core engaged to stabilize your spine. Avoid letting your knees extend beyond your toes, as this can put pressure in the knee joints.


Push through your heels to slowly rise to the starting position. Extend your hips and knees at the same time while maintaining good posture. Maintain control of the movement and do not allow your knees to swing forward as you rise.

Photo: iStock

Perform at least four sets of 12 to 15 repetitions, always maintaining proper technique.

What are the 5 mistakes when performing a squat?

It is normal that when we begin to perform exercise routines We do not know how to execute the appropriate techniques, which can contribute to developing injuries or not seeing the desired results in the silhouette. Here I share some of the most common mistakes when performing squats so you can avoid them:

Forward leaning of the back – can increase the risk of lower back injuries. Knee inward – can put stress on the knee joints and cause imbalances. Not lowering enough – limits muscle activation and exercise benefits. Raising your heels: causes imbalances and tension in the knees. Not activating the core: reduces stability and can lead to back problems.

Now that you know how to do a squat correctly, Don’t wait any longer to improve your technique and show off well-defined glutes. You will love the results!

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