How To Find Green Flag In Relationship, What is Red and Green Flag in Relationship? Which category does your partner fall into? – what is red and green flag and how to know your partner is a green flag for you – 2024-03-22 01:45:51

by times news cr

2024-03-22 01:45:51
Every relationship has its own merits and demerits too. But when it comes to a couple’s relationship, certain things decide whether the relationship is filled with positive energy or negativity. In today’s time, this very thing is known and understood with new words.
As easy and good as the word relationship sounds, it is equally difficult to understand. But one thing is certain that if a good partner is found, then any shortcomings related to the relationship can be removed and the relationship can be made healthy and happy. However, for this it is also very important to understand things related to the personality of the partner. To understand this better, the concept of two colors has been seen being used for some time.

You must have heard people mentioning Green Flag and Red Flag at many places or on the internet. Some call their girlfriend a red flag and some call their boyfriend. But what does it mean? What things associate someone with a particular color? And how can you know if your partner is a Green Flag? You can clearly understand the answers to all these questions through the points given below.

what is green flag

Nowadays relationships have been divided into two colors, green and red. The good habits of the partner are put in the green flag category and the bad habits are put in the red flag category. There is no universal fixed scale for this. But there are some things which can be put under red flag in any case. Similarly, some things only point towards green flag.

Let us help you understand which category your partner belongs to.

couple communication

The partner who gives importance to communication in the relationship comes in the list of green flags. Whether you want to resolve a fight or share a problem, there is only one solution to every problem, and that is conversation. This thing eliminates the possibility of any kind of misunderstanding in the relationship. If your partner shares his/her feelings with you openly, expresses his/her thoughts and is honest about things related to the relationship, then you have found a green flag partner.

On the contrary, if your partner talks very little, does not share his thoughts with you, always replies to your messages and calls after hours, then it shows that he is not interested in clear communication with you. And this is a total red flag.

Effort in relationship

It is often seen that in the beginning of a relationship, couples make a lot of efforts for each other, but with time all these things reduce. If you are also feeling that your partner has started showing less interest in you and the relationship with the passage of time, then this is definitely a red flag.

On the contrary, if your partner always keeps you in his priority list and makes efforts to maintain love and happiness in the relationship, then this is a green flag i.e. a sign of a good partner.

future plan

Love has its place and career has its place. Love is neither a guarantee of a roof over the head nor of filling the stomach. That is why it is important that there is a very clear discussion between you and your partner about the future. But if you feel that your partner does not have any plans for his/her future. If he doesn’t even see you in the future, then it is better to stay away from such relationships. This is because on one hand it shows their careless behavior, while on the other hand it shows that your relationship will rarely go on the path of commitment like marriage. It is better to stay away from such red flags in life.

However, if your partner talks about his future with you and sees you as a part of his plans, then you have got a 100% green flag partner.

money management

Does your partner not think at all before spending? Doesn’t he have the habit of saving? Doesn’t he have any savings investment anywhere? If yes, then all these things are red flags. And if your partner is exactly the opposite, that is, everything from money management to investments is up-to-mark, then these are his green flags.

dealing with others

If your partner is nice to you, but he or she is very rude or angry with others, then believe me, these are huge red flags. Instead, if your partner behaves civilly not only with you but also with everyone, uses good language, does not always try to show off himself and respects everyone, then these are very strong green flag qualities.

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