How to Get Medical Insurance for Residents in Saudi Arabia: Step-by-Step Guide and Services Covered

by time news

2024-03-22 20:28:01

Medical insurance for residents is one of the social solidarity systems in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through which high-quality medical services are provided to all groups in society without any discrimination, and the state sponsors all those who are unable to receive treatment through it, and through our website today we will learn about On how to carry out medical insurance for residents.

How do I get medical insurance for residents?

All comprehensive health insurance services are provided to residents in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This system includes an integrated set of diagnostic and therapeutic services. Medical insurance can be done for residents by taking some steps, which are:

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  • The individual and all his family members should go to the nearest health unit, or the nearest family medicine center, to conduct a comprehensive examination for himself and his family if he resides with them.
  • All necessary papers must be attached to prove the personal data of each family member, which is the national ID card, which must be valid, and birth certificates for children if they are under age.
  • A family medical file is opened and all family data is recorded, each person’s health history, illness, and all medications and drugs he has obtained or is still taking.
  • After ensuring that all necessary procedures have been completed, a special code is given to each citizen.
  • All data for each family member is recorded, so that individuals can visit the health unit in the event of exposure to any type of disease, dispensing any type of medication, or obtaining any medical services with ease through the special code. .
  • Regular categories, as well as those subject to health insurance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, submit a statement of family members, i.e. a family registration for the unit to which they belong, in order to determine the necessary contributions.
  • All documents proving eligibility for medical insurance must be attached.
  • The subscription fees necessary to activate medical insurance are paid.
  • In the event of inability to pay the medical insurance subscription fees, the state pays the subscription fees on their behalf.

Services not covered by health insurance

Health insurance provides many medical services that help citizens and residents of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and are considered one of the integrated services within the Kingdom, but there are some services that are not covered by medical insurance, which are:

  • Public health services.
  • Mental health care services.
  • Preventive services.
  • Ambulance services.
  • Family planning services.
  • Health services covering disasters and epidemics.

This came because the state and government hospitals were responsible for providing these services for free.

Here we have reached the conclusion of our topic today after we presented both how to create medical insurance for residents, and presented all the steps necessary to take to create medical insurance for residents, as well as presenting all the services that are not covered by health insurance.

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