How to maintain balanced physical and mental health?

by time news
  • Prevention in all people begins from birth with breastfeeding and regular medical visits.
  • To talk about a state of full well-being, attention must not only be paid to physical health but also to mental health.
  • Aspects such as taking care of your diet, getting enough sleep and doing physical activities are the basis for achieving positive changes.

Cardiovascular diseases and different types of cancer are responsible for the majority of deaths in Latin America and the Caribbean. This is the product of different factors such as eating habits and physical activity of the inhabitants of the region. Although beyond the physical health, to achieve a full state, the mental part must also be considered.

During the first virtual seminar 2023, from Massachusetts General Hospital, it was commented that these diseases and other more common ones such as Diabetes Mellitus, which affects 62 million people in America, can be prevented if factors of daily life are taken care of. In addition, the importance of a preventive health culture was highlighted.

And despite the fact that these diseases are related to adult life, the question arises, from what moment should one begin to monitor the state of health?

Prevention starts from birth

“It is recommended that from birth to three years, periodic check-ups be carried out every 3 to 6 months, in adolescents annually and in adults every 1 or 2 years. There are different factors that modify our risk of suffering from diseases, so if we take care of our health from the beginning we will have better health in the future”, commented Dr. Alexy Arauz Boudreau, medical director of Pediatric Primary Care and Health Management at Population at Mass General for Children.

The medical tests to be performed will depend on factors such as age, whether you are a man or a woman, and your family history. However, there are different factors that must be included in the routine from an early age to promote a better quality of life and prevent diseases.

6 tips to achieve a balance of physical and mental health

  • Take care of the quality of sleep. It is important to consider 8 to 10 hours of sleep, since this period allows both the body and the brain to rest. Promoting better physical and mental health.
  • We are what we eat. Fresh foods and a plant-based diet should be consumed, especially green ones. In a more visual way, the more color the diet has, the better. Whole grains are also a good option. Processed foods should be avoided as they are difficult for humans to digest and immediately convert to sugars, which cause inflammation in the body.
  • Include physical activity in the routine. Consider between 20 and 30 minutes at least 5 times a week. This helps the body stay in optimal condition.
  • Manage stress. Life today makes us constantly face stressful situations. One way to counteract it is through breathing exercises, meditation, or a hobby like drawing.
  • Expose to the sun. Light is very important to the human system, both for physical and mental health. Sun exposure is recommended for 20 minutes a day.
  • Maintain a social life. Human beings are social by nature, we were born to be in relationship with others and it has been proven that those who have more social interactions tend to live longer.

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