How to save at school when everything is expensive?

by time news

2023-08-25 16:00:42

Classes return and with them, organize all the items and materials for the success of the little ones at school. For this reason, we bring you savings strategies for the acquisition of the necessary products in this new school year.

Last update: August 25, 2023

When it’s time to go back to school, we begin to organize and buy everything our children need. As various products turn out to be very expensivewe propose you to save during school days with family practices that help improve the administration and planning of our money.

In addition, we can take advantage of the season to educate our children and adolescents to learn about responsible consumption of supplies, materials, and clothing from our homes. The family and school environment and self-control have a positive and significant effect on the saving behavior of students.

How to save in school time?

To save during school time, you have to set goals, make a budget, make spending decisions agreed upon in the family and differentiate between needs and desires, which helps us reduce the need for debt.

Together at home let’s encourage a saving attitude in our children to foster long-term habits to benefit their life and financial capabilities. At certain times of the year, take advantage of weekends when shoppers don’t pay sales tax on certain items, such as books, clothing, and office supplies.

Budgets schoolchildren

A school economic fund is a tool to identify, calculate and prioritize the necessary expenses for your children. Prepare a list with the products they need such as books, clothing, materials, transportation.

Take into account the money available, either from your income such as salaries, savings or financing, setting a maximum limit. The money for extracurricular activities can be reduced, depending on the hobbies of children.

Remember that a budget is a flexible way to organize yourself, because you can adjust it according to your needs. The important thing is to plan ahead, have control over your expenses and make informed financial decisions about the best prices.

Offers, discounts and coupons

Stores offer promotions and discounts on various back-to-school products. We recommend you look in your local stores, supermarkets to get good deals.

Another option to save during school days are coupons. With this modality, you can buy pens, pencils, colors, folders, notebooks, pencil sharpeners, scissors and payment bars.

Online shopping and app usage

Online shopping can get you lower prices and a variety of products. Explore websites, compare prices, check product reviews before you make your purchase.

With the use of applications from some stores, you have the advantage of saving and home delivery of your products. Verify digital security before delivering your data, to protect your personal information.

Used items and cheap brands

Obtaining some items in thrift stores is a good option to save during school days.. You can get backpacks and other products in good condition. In addition, cheap brands are an opportunity, because they often offer good quality at a lower price.

Get bookstores dedicated to selling used books, for the purchase of texts and visit local exchange groups, where you can also offer those that your children no longer require for the new academic period.

Back-to-school saving tips

We want to tell you more tips to improve your saving practices for back to school that will help you reduce transportation, food and clothing costs, while maintaining the well-being of your children.

Transportation alternatives

The proper use of school transport can improve student results, because it provides security for the transfer to school. Your child can take advantage of the service of this type of transportation, if it is offered by the educational institution.

Another option is to take a walk to the school, if you live near the institution. Depending on his age, you can accompany him or he can go with a group of companions residing in nearby areas.

In addition, using the bicycle to commute to school is an opportunity for physical, emotional and mental health; also helping the growth of self-esteem and decreased anxiety.

Check if the metro or underground service offers the card for students, since with this you will have a cheaper cost for your transfer. Also check the applications on your cell phone with safe school transport offers.

Recycling of tools and materials

By recycling or reusing school supplies and materials, we contribute to reducing the generation of waste and pollution from plastics, paper, and cardboard.

Take an inventory with the resources of the previous period, such as bags, backpacks, pencils, pens, folders, calculators, colors and leaves. Motivate your children to exchange materials at school. Reuse the sheets to do homework.

Save on your children’s lunch box

To achieve good performance while learning, your child will need good eating habits.. Preparing food at home instead of buying it is an opportunity to save at school, as well as to improve and maintain healthy habits.

Since breakfast is an important meal, offer him this food before going to school, if the classes are in the morning. During the week, buy products for a good snack that includes fruits, avoiding foods with high levels of sugar and fat.

Exchanges of clothes and other items

Check the closet to find out what clothes you can reuse for classes. The clothes, which you know you will not need, you can sell or exchange with other colleagues, family members or in local markets.

Take advantage of the offers in clothing stores and buy clothes that are versatile to combine them easily.

practice family savings

With the return to school, we can make our own budget to invest the money in the education of our children. We have many opportunities to save this season, applying tools and strategies to obtain items for school.

Good savings practices allow us to organize our financial situation, taking advantage of offers, discounts, coupons to shop online, purchase products in good condition, save on transportation, food, and clothing. This is how we also teach our children the value of work and money.

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