HSN and Granada CF: 2023/24 Season

by time news

2023-12-20 11:57:34

We comply two years of nutritional alliance together with Granada CF in the current 2023/24 season, as Official Supplier of Nutrition Products. The first men’s and women’s teams, together with the entity’s medical and nutritional team, seek their maximum performance thanks to our best products. HSN and Granada CF: 2023/24 Season.

Two years of alliance

Granada CF y HSN They celebrate two years of alliance in the current 2023/24 season, by which our brand of nutrition, health, well-being and healthy eating is Official Nutrition Products Provider of the red and white club.

The first men’s and women’s teams, which play in the highest national categories, use the best HSN products in their preparation and recovery, hand in hand with the entity’s medical and nutritional services; who rely on the HSN R&D&i team in order to complete the needs of the footballers.

R&D work

We began working together in 2021 and now we reinforce our support with greater space also on the Nuevo Los Cármenes billboards, as well as with the communication of the latest HSN news and promotions to fans who attend the games through the public address system. .

In addition, the women’s first team will continue to display our image on the back of the training shirt.

As in the last two seasons, the best HSN products will accompany the first team players daily, under the recommendations of the medical and nutritional services.

Joint goals

At HSN we share objectives with Granada CF: achieve sports goals. To this end, under the guidelines of the club’s medical and nutritional services, the men’s and women’s first teams use the products to give their best on the field of play.

Together with the two teams, at HSN we are also in the fight to achieve their sporting objectives in the 2023/24 Season. Both in LaLiga and in League F, have the objectives of achieving salvation to be able to continue in the highest national categories.

IFS Food Certificate

The quality of our products is marked by the quality certificates that our factory has, among them the recently renewed IFS Food, after obtaining it for the first time in 2021 as the first sports nutrition brand in Spain with its own factory to obtain it.

IFS Food (International Featured Standards) forms the international quality standards recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) applied to food product manufacturers. The certificate recognizes the excellence of our brand in the scope of our HSN factory.

In this sense, the HSN plant has managed to renew for the second consecutive year the certificate obtained in 2021 and renewed in 2022, when it reached the valuation Higher Level after adding a score of 95.55%.

In 2023, the HSN plant has improved this rating (96.90%) in an unannounced audit, demonstrating the brand’s commitment to food safety and relevant procedures.

Other HSN content you shouldn’t miss:

Joint goals – 100%

IFS Food Certificate – 100%

#HSN #Granada #Season

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