“I froze eggs in Assuta and I’m shaking, maybe Sophia is my baby?”

by time news

In a special interview with mynet, one of the women who underwent fertilization and egg freezing treatments in Asuta Rashel, talks about the pain, the fear and the desire to know who the biological mother is. “It could be any of us,” she says painfully.

“If they made one mistake, they could have made a thousand more. It was discovered by chance because of her medical condition,” a young woman who was fertilized on the spot, and who still has frozen embryos in Asuta Rishon Lezion, tells mynet in a special interview.

The main heartache deals with the question of the baby who has already been born. “At this point, as far as we are concerned, each of us can be her own mother, so the claim that we should stop looking for the biological parents is insolent, we demand to know the truth,” says the young woman.

There is another thing that worries you.

“Certainly. More than that, we demand to know the condition of our frozen embryos, and how exactly the hospital plans to guarantee that there are no more confusions that will cause more mistakes, these are our babies and it’s time for them to stop treating them like a plate of cells. I am planning another fertilization, and shudder at the thought of how Things will work out.”

Hundreds of mothers have already joined a group with the intention of filing a class action lawsuit against the hospital, including Orian Cohen Reiser who is leading the fight.

“It is true that I do not have frozen embryos, but I underwent fertilization near the birth and like everyone else I am very upset,” said Cohen Reiser.

“Anything can happen, there’s a lot of pressure, fear and thoughts. The mothers worry, I don’t sleep at night, movies are constantly going through our heads. We organized first of all because we want answers, and maybe succeed in finding the parents ourselves, but also because we intend to go to court. Someone needs to give us answers.

“Unfortunately, no one talks to us, we have no idea what is happening and how things are going. I call on every woman who has a part in this to join Elijah because only together will we reach the truth.”

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