“I saw death in front of my face”: Tamar was attacked by a secret service man

by time news

Tamar Ben-Haim, granddaughter of the late Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, a resident of Jerusalem, who returned tonight (Thursday) in an exclusive interview with Yossi Eli and Sivan Alkalek in News 13, the incident in which she was attacked by the American Secret Service man, while walking near the Mahane Yehuda market.

The secret service man arrived in Israel to participate in the preparations for Biden’s visit. Last Monday, after midnight, Tamar walked in the Nachlaot neighborhood on her way home from a visit to a friend in the area.

While walking and in an unexpected moment, Tamar noticed two armed men advancing towards her, when one of them suddenly decided to attack her violently, and punched her hard in the face.

She said, “He attacked me in the chest, grabbed me hard, slapped me, took out my earring and headset and threw everything at me on the floor. I in that second saw death in front of my face because I thought someone was coming to kill me. You shout – and there is no one. “

It was later revealed that the attacker was the United States Secret Service man. That evening he went out with his friends to a pub in the area.

“His friend stood aside,” says Tamar, “he was the one who released me – I could not go out.”

Tamar called the police and filed a complaint.

The suspect was detained for several hours, interrogated – and put on the first plane to the United States. He was then suspended from his post, pending further investigation into his case.

“I think there is dishonesty towards me here,” says Tamar, “he did not apologize. He did me severe mental damage. To this day I have been in bed, my body hurts, I have not told it to people, because I have not digested it. It will take me a while to recover. “

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