“I was cutting butterflies on the subway, or chatting with friends”

by time news

2023-09-08 06:30:40

Tomorrow at 2/4 of 11 the commented visit will take place at the installation of Toya Legido in the shop windows of the Bòlit-Pou Rodó. “In extinction” is an installation about the loss of lepidopteran biodiversity in Gavarres and its consequences. The meeting is part of the 6th edition of the Art i Gavarres international festival.

I don’t know if it’s just me, but I used to see more butterflies.

Look, in this panel there are all the types of butterflies that existed in 1960, and in this other one, those that existed in 2020. In sixty years we have lost 70% of them.

Who is watching them?


Some are in danger of extinction due to those collections that were made in the past, which may have had twenty specimens of the same species. Or two hundred

don’t look at me

The human being, you too (laughs)! There are many causes, such as the use of pesticides. Also the loss of grazing, as insects need animal excrement. And we can still add electric lighting, the layout of roads, urbanizations, the clearing of forests, pollution, drought as a result of climate change…

And people like Nabokov, who hunted?

Collectors too! Some are in danger of extinction due to those collections that were made in the past, which may have had twenty specimens of the same species. Or two hundred. Now there is another philosophy, they don’t hunt, they photograph.

Have you ever hunted?

never Not one All the ones you see here are made of paper, I photographed them from collections and then cut them out one by one. All are threatened or in danger of extinction. Between those on the panels and those I have put on the Art & Gavarres tour, there are about two thousand.

This is the work of the Chinese!

Hey, hey, there are people who knit, I cut out butterflies. For the last four months I was cutting butterflies everywhere. While riding the subway, for example.

They serve a lot, they are at the base of the food chain. Without butterflies, everything is falling

Was he cutting butterflies on the subway? Were people not looking at her?

Or when I was with friends, while we were chatting I would come and cut butterflies (laughs).

Honestly: are butterflies of any use?

They serve a lot. They are at the base of the food chain. Without butterflies, everything is falling. Birds eat it. In addition, there are plants that are pollinated by butterflies, since only their spirit break can reach them. There is a dependency between flora and fauna, if a butterfly becomes extinct some plants may become extinct.

But you studied Art, not Biology.

Heh, heh, but for fifteen years I have been working with groups that relate art and science. Also, butterflies are art, no artist could make anything as wonderful as nature, capable of creating this.

To be a butterfly, you must first be a worm. This is very cute

The worm’s way to this wonder is almost a metaphor…

The butterflies are very well considered, so pretty. On the other hand, its other phases, no. But to be a butterfly, you must first be a worm. This is very cute. Except for butterflies, insects have always been insulted, I think we have to look at them with different eyes, since they are essential for thousands of things.

Among humans, on the other hand, what is a worm, remains a worm?

It would be interesting if we all went through all the stages of the butterfly. Before we get there we should be cocoons.

Wow, there are a lot of cocoons.

(Laughter). And even before that, worms

It would be interesting if we all went through all the stages of the butterfly. Before we get there we should be cocoons.

Why is it pejorative to say someone has butterflies in their head?

But feeling them in the stomach is good, something is exciting us.

In Catalonia, the yellow butterfly that Laura Borràs brings to the pitrera is famous.

Of what species?

Lacy butterfly

Butterflies, like other animals, don’t understand politics, they understand habitat. To do this work I have based myself on the catalog of butterflies of Catalonia, and 80% coincide with the Aragonese ones.

Butterflies, like other animals, don’t understand politics, they understand habitat.

Let’s see if we will have a conflict like Sixena.

They also match quite well with the catalogs of the entire Iberian Peninsula.

Be careful, we Catalans want to be special in everything, including butterflies.

Butterflies don’t pay attention to boundaries. Five of those in the catalogs are located in the Gavarres area. Let’s see if we see any tomorrow.

#cutting #butterflies #subway #chatting #friends

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