Ideal life partner: Rahul Gandhi opens his mind

by time news

Mumbai: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi revealed his ideas about life partner. Rahul said that he wants to make a woman who combines the qualities of mother Sonia Gandhi and grandmother Indira Gandhi as his life partner. In an interview given to a YouTube channel during the Bharat Jodo Yatra, Rahul opened up about his ideal life partner.

When Rahul said that Grandma Indira Gandhi is the love of his life and that Grandma is his second mother after Sonia Gandhi, the YouTuber questioned him about his life partner. The question was whether he would like to have a woman with the characteristics of his grandmother as his life partner. Rahul replied – “That’s an interesting question. It would be great if the woman had the qualities of my mother along with the traits of my grandmother”.

Rahul also spoke about his love for riding bicycles and motorcycles. He has ridden an electric scooter. But never rode an electric bike. Rahul also talked about the Chinese company that manufactures bicycles and mountain bikes with electric motors. Rahul said during the interview that he does not own a car.

“I’m not really interested in cars. I’m not really interested in motorbikes either. But I like riding a motorbike. I like the idea of ​​moving fast. In the air, on water, on land… I prefer cycling under my own power than traveling in cars and bikes,” said Rahul.

Rahul said that he has no qualms with those who call him Pappu. Indira Gandhi, who was mocked as a mute woman, was known as the Iron Woman. It doesn’t matter if you call him by any other name other than Pappu. People who are afraid inside come up with such names. Rahul said that his mind is calm.

Summary- Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has said that he would prefer to settle down in life with a partner who has a mix of qualities of both his mother Sonia Gandhi and grandmother Indira Gandhi.

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