Identity Politics: The Israel Hatred of American Elite Students

by time news

2023-10-10 17:38:37

Culture identity politics

The hatred of Israel among American elite students

As of: 4:59 p.m. | Reading time: 3 minutes

Love your next? Hypocrisy at Harvard

Quelle: Boston Globe via Getty Images

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At Harvard and Stanford universities, student organizations blame the state of Israel for the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. Anyone who studies in America knows the academic anti-Semitism there only too well. One thing is new, however.

A few years ago the filmmaker performed Ami Horowitz an interesting experiment. He stood in the middle of the University of Berkeley campus with a flag of the Islamic State, which still existed at the time and was raping women and massacring Yazidis. Waving a flag, he shouted that American imperialism was the only one to blame for all the crimes in the Middle East and that the Islamic State only wanted peace. Most passers-by ignored him. Some students applauded. Then he tried the same thing with the Israeli flag. The reaction was sheer anger: that the Israelis were thieves was the mildest reaction.

The feelings of students have been protected at American universities for years. This sometimes takes on ridiculous forms, for example when the word “rape” should not be used in a seminar on criminal law because it could traumatize young women. However, the feelings of one group of students are explicitly not taken into account: the feelings of the Jews. Almost all American Jewish parents whose children study in America can tell horror stories about left-wing radical anti-Semitism, at least if the children take humanities subjects: insults, insults, spitting.

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Justification of terror

So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that – especially Muslims – Student organizations at elite universities like Harvard and Stanford respond to the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust with official statements blaming Israel. “Only the apartheid regime is to blame,” says the letter, which was signed by, among others, the African American Resistance Organization, the Harvard Islamic Society and the Harvard Jews for Liberation. “The ones to come. Days will require that we stand firmly together against retaliation.”

The Students for Justice in Palestine at Stanford write: “Palestinian resistance is legitimate under international law, while Israel’s breathtaking violent actions are collective punishments under the Geneva Convention.” Apparently the faculty are too intimidated to protest much.

Jews are not considered a minority in America, they are considered “white” and “European.” The lie that Israel is a colonial apartheid state that must disappear to make way for a multi-ethnic utopia is, so to speak, the ticket to joining radical left-wing organizations. None of this is new.

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What’s new is that this is finally causing outrage. Former Harvard President Larry Summers, a Democrat who served as Treasury secretary under Bill Clinton, has now said he finds the students’ statement offensive. “Harvard’s leadership’s previous silence, coupled with students’ loud and widely publicized statement condemning only Israel, has resulted in Harvard appearing, at best, neutral when it comes to terrorism against the Jewish state of Israel,” writes Summers on X (formerly Twitter). He could have added: It is time to ensure that young Jewish women and men no longer feel like hated aliens at American universities.

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