I’ll take the paralane and go. Sáblíková coped with the pain, she was relieved after the operation 2024-02-29 13:36:00

by time news

Therefore, right after the wedding, she went to the hospital in her native Nový Mst na Morav, where she had to undergo an operation on her left ankle. Docent Jaroslav Piln took care of me, accepted me immediately, and for that I thank him very much, she changed the press conference to the fourth season’s end.

He admired Sblková for her performance in Canada before the orthopedic department in the media bag. I think that it is a superhuman feat to drive two pike leads with such a position. It must have hurt like blood. To which the 36-year-old speed skater replied with a laugh.

I’ve never made excuses for health problems and I don’t want to do it again. I didn’t think at all that I could receive a medal, so I’m very proud of it. However, Sblkov was happy that her leg was stiff after the operation and that it was healing quickly.

I didn’t want to go to him at all. I have to say I’m really surprised how fast it’s progressing. I took a breather after the operation.

With a huge left, I remember the moments when she won her 149th and 150th medals from major events. I guess I’m really old huh? she teased. No, I’m proud that I managed to reach such a limit.

Navc never invited that she would not even go to Calgary. In the previous season, she suffered from an injured knee, Sblkov had to miss six weeks in the middle of the season. After her return, she did not feel the best in the World Cup and looked for sweat from her beloved sport in vain.

The World Championship in Calgary was beautiful, but for me personally it was also a good day.
I struggled with pain and swelling on my knee, which culminated in surgery in the middle of my return from Calgary. Unfortunately, I have to end the session soon, and I won’t be competing at the World Championships in tyboi in Inzell.
I am very sad, especially for the fans who were going there. Alas, he is really seducing you with this one.
But if it’s even a little bit possible, I’ll go to Inzell at least to cheer on the other seductresses.
I would also like to thank Mr. Doc. Thank you for your quick response and help.

23. nora 2024 v 12:04, pspvek archivovn: 29. nora 2024 v 14:06

She met him again in Canada, even though she was unable to fully train because of the pain. I had to skip the training on the ice, I was a little worried if just riding a bike would cost me like a thorn. But I know from experience, that’s how I managed to drive in the sun.

The pain was one thing, but it can be eliminated. But it was worse that I couldn’t get into the skate, it was loose and the right before the lead was a long dive and the cannon, she pointed out, was pressing the tongue of the skate on the sore leg.

When he got into the trap, he had to pull his leg, which hurt quite a bit. That’s why Sblkov felt she was the lightest when she took off her skates after the first descent on the 2-kilometer track. In her seductive lauf, she didn’t even think about being limited for a moment.

When the hunter woke up, his mind was full of other things. In the worst moments, I took both leads. I had full permission to skate on my heel, because I probably wouldn’t have made it otherwise, she revealed.

Sblkov had health problems in previous seasons as well, before the Olympics in Beijing 2022 he broke his thigh, and last season he injured his thigh again. Pesto, just like at the summer world championship in Calgary, gathered a lot of attention as one of the most experienced speed skaters.

I don’t know how to worry too much about balls, I have to deal with them somehow, Sblkov takes the trouble with an open mind. In addition, even with pain, I fight in my head with the fact that there is a temptation in front of me and I know that it will lead to what I wanted. Pain is, of course, unpleasant for everyone, but it can be avoided with some kind of parallax, which is necessary in such a phase.

SATISFACTION. Martina Sblkov greets the girls after the end of her 1-kilometer downhill ride at the world championships in Calgary.

Sblkova is rehabilitating her operated leg, she ended the season due to foot injuries and will only be a spectator at the World All-Around Championships in Inzell.

How many times did I say that I would end up with it, go to the water, have a beer and a beer and be an honest fan at the bar, she laughed. It’s dark there, I’ll see people I’ve skated with all season, so I’m curious how it made me feel.

But Sblkov is here, and she puts on her skates again and goes on the ice. And for 150 precious metals you have to go further.

2024-02-29 13:36:00

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