Illegal Sale of Ceiling Legal Lands | Dinamalar

by time news

CHENNAI: Complaints have been raised that sub-registrars are registering land subject to land ceiling issues without proof of exemption.

In Tamil Nadu, the government got 5,883 acres of surplus land under the Urban Land Ceiling Act. The government kept those lands to share with the poor people. Due to the negligence of the authorities without giving them to the poor people and protecting them properly, these lands went to private use. Some people are selling these lands. Registration of deeds in this regard creates problem in recovery of ceiling lands.
As a solution to this, a few years ago, the registration department issued an order. According to this, when filing property deeds for registration, it must be clarified whether the land falls under the ceiling law. It is mandatory for the owners to file a letter confirming that there is no encroachment on the land under the ceiling law. .Currently, there is a complaint that the registrars are not following this procedure.
In this regard, an officer of the registration department said:
Individuals cannot sell property subject to the Land Ceiling Act as they wish. From that law, it can be sold only after obtaining proper exemption. In this case, unless the exemption is properly obtained, it will be considered as government owned land. Therefore, such lands should not be bought or sold. It was ordered that the relevant letter should be filed along with the bond for clarification.
However, when the heads of the registration department do not pay attention to this, the sub-registrars register land sales without such a letter. As a result, government lands are sold as private land in many places.
This is what he said.

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