“I’m afraid that an animal will come at me”: llamas on the loose create discord in a village in the Var

by time news

For or against free llamas? In Bagnols-en-Forêt (Var), a village in the Provençal hinterland, two llamas walk on a 13 ha plot which belongs to Céline Seret, a breeder of sport horses. “I bought this agricultural estate two years ago and the ex-owner told me that there were two very nice lamas living there. It didn’t bother me,” she says. But this disturbs the mayor of Bagnols, who has given formal notice to the breeder to install an enclosure for the llamas under penalty of seizing the animals and placing them elsewhere, as revealed by the regional daily. Be Matin.

In this town of 3,000 inhabitants, llamas are part of the decor but are not unanimous. In town as on the Internet, critics fuse: “I no longer pass on the side of the field. These beasts seem calm like that, but there is no barrier and I’m always afraid that one day, an animal will rush on me, ”complains a resident. “They are herbivores and they wouldn’t hurt a fly. But they come from Peru and have always lived in freedom. I refuse to lock them in a pen, ”repeats the horse breeder.

“Why do problems always have to come from humans? »

However, she received a letter from the municipality (which does not wish to comment): “You have the obligation to register them. The municipality is solicited by many citizens about their wanderings. If we were to see a new wandering of these animals, I would be forced to place them in a place of deposit at your expense. »

However, the breeder assures us that she does not own them, even if she is ready to do anything to defend these animals: “They have always been in the wild. Me, I take care of my horses and the cohabitation with the llamas is great. Why do problems always have to come from humans? she laments. “Lock them up? Never ! »

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